If you are a regular visitor to the Nigeria Technology Guide blog, you must have noticed our new look. Although at NTG, we regularly make minor changes to our blog structure to improve your experience, we implemented some major structural changes this last few days. These changes focused on simplicity, giving you easy access to the information you need, saving you bandwidth, and faster loading pages. Whether you access the Nigeria Technology Guide via a computer or mobile phone this changes will surely improve your experience on our blog.
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Because at NTG, we know that you visit the Nigeria Technology Guide blog for information, our latest changes have focused on improved content delivery. The content area has been widened to improve readability. This meant that we had to sacrifice the left sidebar to create room for a wider content area. A wider content area is easier to read as you now spend longer time per line than before, offering less strain to your eye.
You will now be able to see the title of any page without having to scroll down, that way you know what to expect from any NTG page without moving a muscle. We have added links to the four most recent posts on our blog on top of the page, putting them in view once our pages load. This will help our readers know what they have missed since their last visit. Links to some of the most popular pages on Nigeria Technology Guide are also on top of the page, so you can easily find what’s hot on the NTG blog. More of the hot posts on Nigeria Technology Guide are provided at the bottom of each post.
The bandwidth required to load our blog has reduced. You can now experience up to 15% reduction in bandwidth if you are using a computer and up to 60% bandwidth savings if you are using a mobile phone. As a result of bandwidth savings our pages now load faster. We will continue to work on bandwidth reduction especially for mobile users.
At Nigeria Technology Guide we will like you to engage with our visitors, so we have made it easy for you to join us and follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Google Buzz. The links are clearly visible on the NTG sidebar. If you like any content on Nigeria Technology Guide, you can easily share it with your friends with the AddToAny button at the bottom of each NTG blog post.
A neat look on mobile phones
If you are a regular visitor to the Nigeria Technology Guide on mobile phones, you will notice that we have resolved the issue with our pages not being optimized for mobile view. Although we have previously optimized the Nigeria Technology Guide blog for mobile view, changes we made in the past broke the mobile optimization. This meant that you had to scroll left and right while reading NTG blog posts, which is quite frustrating and annoying even for us.
The good news is that we have re-optimised our website for mobile view. No need to scroll left and right while reading our blog all you need to do is scroll down. We have tested the Nigeria Technology Guide blog on Opera mini 4 and Opera mini 5 and it looks just fine. We hope it loads well on your mobile browser. You can report any issue in our comment box.
Because we know that you are bandwidth conscious when using a mobile phone, we have cut down the size of our mobile optimized pages leaving only the essentials. Now you can experience up to 60% bandwidth savings on the Nigeria Technology Guide blog. Note however that to experience these improved experience on mobile phones, you must make sure your browser is set to mobile view, if not your browser will still be loading the computer version. If you are on Opera mini, use Menu to open settings, then check whether mobile view is marked, if not mark it and save.
We have now made it easier for you to engage with Nigeria Technology Guide blog on mobile phones. Once you load our page, you will find links to our Twitter profile and our Facebook page, where you can follow or join our blog. You will also find a link for subscribing to the Nigeria Technology Guide feed, so you can catchup with the latest development on the NTG blog from your mobile. An email address is also provided if you choose email correspondence.
We are not stopping at changing our look, we will also continue to deliver relevant contents that will satisfy your crave for information. While the major change may be over we will continue to make minor changes here and there to improve usability of the Nigeria Technology Guide blog.
We hope these changes will improve your experience on your blog.
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