HomeInternetMultiLinks Internet Browsing rocket mobile broadband packages overview

MultiLinks Internet Browsing rocket mobile broadband packages overview

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Rocket Mobile Broadband is the name of the internet service offering of MultiLinks Telkom in Nigeria. The MultiLinks Rocket Mobile Broadband promises to deliver fast and reliable internet access to Nigerians at reasonable prices. MultiLinks now offers six internet packages to go with the Rocket Mobile Broadband service. The six internet browsing packages consist of three hourly internet plans and three monthly internet plans targeted at different user needs.

MultiLinks Hourly Browsing Plans

MultiLinks hourly browsing plans offer bundled hours of internet access over a specific period. There is no limit to the amount of data you can use over the validity period of your chosen internet package. MultiLinks rocket mobile broadband offers three hourly internet browsing packages here are their details:

MultiLinks MyTime 50 hours internet

This internet browsing package offers 50 hours of bundled internet over a 30 day period. The MyTime 50 hours is targeted at people who spend little time online or users who do not use internet on a daily basis.

For example if you use the internet daily 50 hours in 30 days is just 1 hour 20 minutes per day which might not make sense for even a moderate user. MultiLinks MyTime 50 hours internet will be very attractive to users who are busy during the weekdays and free at weekends. Multilinks 50 hours internet browsing bundle costs N3,400.

MultiLinks MyTime 100 hours internet:

This internet browsing package offers 100 hours of bundled internet over a 60 day period. The MyTime 100 hours is targeted at a similar crowd as the 50 hour bundle. If you do not use internet daily or have specific days when you surf the web, the MultiLinks 100 hours internet bundle may be okay for you.

This internet browsing plan is not recommended for businesses that require several hours of internet access daily. Multilinks 100 hours internet browsing bundle costs N5,600.

MultiLinks MyTime 250 hours internet:

This internet package offers 250 hours of bundled internet over a 90 day period. Just like the 50 hours and the 100 hours internet bundles, the MyTime 250 hours internet packages is not recommended for businesses that require several hours of internet access daily.

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Multilinks 250 hours internet bundle costs N9,900. MultiLinks MyTime 250 hours internet plan may make sense if you are okay with 4 hours daily internet access. However, using 4 hours daily means that your 250 bundled internet will be used up in about 60 days, but that still amounts to just N4,950 monthly, which is sensible.

MultiLinks Monthly Plans

MultiLinks monthly browsing plans offer internet access for a 30 day period. To ensure responsible usage, data usage limits are provided. Except you find price benefits in the hourly internet bundle, we recommend you consider the monthly internet browsing plans. MultiLinks rocket mobile broadband offers three monthly packages here are their details:

MultiLinks AnyTime Internet:

This internet browsing plan offers 24/7 internet access for a 30-day period at a price of N9,000 monthly. However, there is a data usage limitation of 6GB. The 6 GB limit offered by MultiLinks is reasonable and is at par with industry standard. This internet browsing plan is recommended for heavy users, who cannot do without being online.

MultiLinks DayTime Internet:

This internet browsing plan offers internet access during the day from 8am to 8pm for a 30-day period at a price of N6,000 monthly. However, there is a data usage limitation of 6GB. This internet browsing plan is targeted at businesses users. If you have need for internet only during the day, the MultiLinks DayTime internet package is a good package.

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MultiLinks NightTime Internet: This internet browsing plan offers internet access at night from 12am to 8am for a 30-day period at a price of N3,500 monthly. The NightTime internet browsing plan offers a generous data usage limitation of 20GB. This plan is targeted at users who are comfortable with night browsing.

The MultiLinks Rocket Mobile Broadband promises to deliver fast and reliable internet access to Nigerians at reasonable prices. MultiLinks now offer voice coverage in 22 states accross Nigeria, namely Abuja, Anambra, Bauchi, Delta, Edo, Enugu, Imo, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kogi, Kwara, Lagos, Nasarawa, Niger, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo, Plateau, and Rivers. Note that data services and broadband services will not be available in every location.

For more information about MultiLinks Rocket Mobile Broadband services call the help line on 07098001111.

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Paschal Okafor
Paschal Okafor
Paschal Okafor is the founder of NaijaTechGuide. A Graduate of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Paschal is passionate about Technology and since 2006 has written over 4000 articles covering Mobile Devices, Consumer Electronics, Digital Marketing, Mobile Apps, and Online Services. Over the past 16 years, he has managed to turn a blog that started life on a Google Blogger subdomain into the Largest Technology Blog in Nigeria and quite possibly the largest in Africa. Paschal has been Building, Analyzing, and Maintaining Websites for over 17 years and also shares his wealth of knowledge and experience about building and managing websites on NaijaTechGuide.

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