Greeting cards enable you show how you feel to your loved ones. With Greeting cards you can show friends and family that you truly care. Traditional greeting cards are written in print, but what if you can send a greeting card containing your personal greeting message recorded in your own voice to your loved ones that they can play over and over again.
That is the innovation that the Voice your Feelings service is bringing to the greeting cards industry. So those Christmas greetings, New Year greetings, birthday greetings and valentine messages and even invitation cards for your wedding and events can now be personalised in your own voice.
Voice your feelings is integrated to Facebook, so you can post your personal greetings on your friend’s wall.
The service offered by Voice your feelings is very simple to understand. Record the personal message to be included in your greeting card in your own voice at the site. Voice your feelings website has an easy to use recorder to help you record your personal messages for your greeting cards.
You require a microphone connected to the computer to record the messages for your greeting cards. Messages for your greeting cards can also be recorded using your mobile phone. You can add sound effects to your recordings or even messages from celebrities.
Once you are through you can then select the greeting card that will be used to deliver your personal message. There are lots of great greeting cards to choose from.
Voice your feelings will then stamp the greeting card and send it to any address in the world that you indicated. So the service of voice your service is simple record a voice message from your own computer at their website and they will send it through a paper greeting card to anywhere in the world.
You can also post your personal greetings cards on your friend’s wall on Facebook.
To use the service, visit Voice your feelings website and signup for an account. If you have a Facebook account, Voice your feelings allows you to login with you Facebook login, just click on the login with Facebook button.
Recording your Personal Message
The voice your feeling website is designed to make creating and sending your greeting cards very easy. The Studio contains all you need for recording the personal message for your greeting card. Recording requires a microphone connected to your computer.
Make sure the mic is active or allow it when requested. If you do not have a microphone, you can record messages for your greeting card using your mobile phone. Recording your greetings with a mobile phone involves calling a UK based number shown at the voice your feelings website.
The call will be charged at UK rates. Make sure you prepare your greeting message for the card before calling the number. Also note the code displayed at the site.
It is always a good idea to prepare messages for your greeting cards beforehand. Voice your feeling also has a few messages ideas to help you with preparing message for your greeting cards.
Voice your feelings allow you to record messages of up to 15 seconds long (around 30 words) for your greeting cards. That is why preparing beforehand and possibly rehearsal is a good idea.
Each Voice your feelings greeting card has a chip built-in (sound module). It is this chip that contains your voice recording. Three batteries are provided for the greeting card, meaning the recipient can play it for around 400 times.
Beyond Greeting cards
Voice your feelings is not just for sending greeting cards. They have a Bespoke service targeted at Marketing literature, invitations, promotions, promotional give aways and events. Your marketing literature, wedding and events invitations, and promotional give aways can now be accompanied with vocal recordings, making them unique and more effective.
So if you are looking for birthday cards, valentine cards, Christmas cards, new year cards, or greeting cards that will wow your loved ones and show them how much you care in your own voice, then send them your greeting card with voice your feeling. Give your feeling a voice today with a voice your feeling greeting card.
Voice your feelings is not the only online service offering voice recordings on greeting cards. A number of such greeting cards services exists online. Search Google with for voice greeting cards.