BlackBerry 10 is the next operating system from RIM built to run on next generation BlackBerry phones and BlackBerry Tablets. BlackBerry 10 OS is completely different from the BlackBerry 7 OS powering current generation BlackBerry Phones. It is based on QNX, a Unix-like OS acquired by RIM in 2010. BlackBerry 10 was launched on January 30, 2013.
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Why a Completely New BlackBerry OS
RIM has been left behind in the smartphone war. BlackBerry 7 was unable to compete with smartphone super powers like Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS. Multi-core processing, a key element in today’s high-end and mid-range smartphones seems not to be supported on BlackBerry 7. BlackBerry 7 was also found wanting in display resolution, camera, and multi-tasking.
RIM was also accused of being too consumer focus with BlackBerry 7 and ignoring its enterprise base. BlackBerry 10 is expected to correct that. It promises to create a perfect balance between work and play. BlackBerry 10 will also bring popular smartphone buzz words like multi-core processors, HD resolution displays, LTE, real multi-tasking, mobile payment, full 1080p HD camera, etc to the BlackBerry ecosystem.
Marry Work and Play
BlackBerry 7 was accused of being too consumer focused, RIM intends to win back its enterprise base with BlackBerry 10. RIM will however do this without alienating the consumer base. This is why BlackBerry 10 will come with two modes with a button or touch gesture for switching between modes.
The personal mode is your personal encrypted partition on your phone. You can install any apps and games you want and download music, movies, and TV shows. The personal partition is entirely under your control, you can download whatever, you want on your personal mode. The work mode, however can be locked down by your employer for enterprise funded BlackBerry phones.
So, if your BlackBerry phone is provided for you by your employer or you access enterprise data with your BlackBerry phone, your employer can lock-down the enterprise partition and control the apps you download to ensure that enterprise data are kept safe. Your employer can even perform remote wipes on the work partition to secure enterprise data.
While your employer has some control in your work partition, they will have no control whatsoever, in your personal partition according to RIM.
The New BlackBerry Hub
The BlackBerry Hub is the unified inbox for all your message notifications. No matter where the message is from, your email accounts, Whatsapp, BBM, SMS, Twitter, Facebook, third party apps, BlackBerry 10 will pipe all your notifications to your BlackBerry Hub giving you fast and easy access to all your messages.
BlackBerry 10 Active Frames
BlackBerry 10 will take multi-tasking to a different level with active frames, RIM’s unique implementation for multi-tasking. Active frames are mini views (mini screenshots) of your currently open apps. Active frames are displayed on your homescreen in order of recency (i.e. the most recently opened app will be on top).
Tapping an active frame will open the full app. Up to 8 active frames can reside on your Blackberry 10 homescreen at any given time. Although active frames by default displays a mini screenshot of an app, it can be customised by the app developer to display more meaningful information like say a notification.
BlackBerry 10 Screen Sharing
BlackBerry 10 will be coming with a screen sharing feature. Screen sharing allows you show what is on your screen to someone during BBM video chat. So, you can share a chart, show a photo or deliver a presentation on your phone from anywhere.
More BlackBerry 10 Features
BlackBerry 10 will make BlackBerry phones more competitive with more recent OS like Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. It is expected to offer a better camera. It will also support superfast internet on LTE and dual-band Wi-Fi. BlackBerry displays has always been behind the pack, BlackBerry 10 will offer HD quality displays.
BlackBerry Messenger, BBM, has been one of the most successful features on BlackBerry Phones. BlackBerry 10 will be adding video chatting. BlackBerry 10 is also expected to support free BBM calls over Wi-Fi. RIM is also expected to announce an NFC based mobile payment service in partnership with Visa.
Two new BlackBerry 10 Phones where announced at the launch of the new OS. The BlackBerry Z10, a full touch smartphone with a 4.2-inch display and the BlackBerry Q10, a more traditional BlackBerry phone with the trademark QWERTY keyboard and a 3.1-inch AMOLED touch display.
BlackBerry 10 is indeed a major update from Blackberry 7, but will it be enough to save the struggling platform? Only time will tell.