is a Nigerian free classified site for Nigerians by Nigerians for buying and selling of items such as electronics, cars, furniture, real estates, building materials, home and personal items, accessories etc. Also, you can post services, rental, jobs, talents and much more. It is your last stop to find whatever you’re looking for or sell your own item! Our goal at GiantBelly is to make it as easy as possible for you to buy or sell anything and find the best services in town.
To Post your free classified Ad, Visit GiantBelly Website at If you looking for a bargain, you can find them at

As a shop owner, Merchant, Merchandise etc, Giantbelly provides you the greatest opportunity to advertise your goods, products, services etc nationwide! by creating your GiantBelly store where you can post unlimited ads and one click on any of your ad shows all the ads in your store, and get a free website with your shop/store/company name to advertise all your goods, products, services, talents etc. All these and much more in one package.
N.b Be among the first 3 to post a genuine ad in your State or Local government and win a Giantbelly price a or create Store and post genuine ad and win a free six month Banner advertisement that would expose your business to the nationwide and reach potential clients.