HomeeCommerceCompare Prices of Mobile Phones in Nigeria at NaijaTechGuide Prices

Compare Prices of Mobile Phones in Nigeria at NaijaTechGuide Prices

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You can now compare prices of mobile phones and other products on NaijaTechGuide. We have just added a price comparison site to the NaijaTechGuide blog. Just visit ng.naijatechguide.com for price comparison of all types of mobile phones from the cheap 3000 Naira phones to 100k+ devices on multiple platforms: Android, Windows Phone, Asha, iPhone, BlackBerry, etc.

NaijaTechGuide price compare also provides helpful filters to enable you find the best mobile phones at the best prices. You can filter by price, brand, display size, and screen resolution.

NaijaTechGuide price compare enable you filter mobile phones by platform, built-in and system memory, as well as camera resolution.

If you are also looking for a dual-SIM or a phone that supports 4G LTE, the NaijaTechGuide price compare, can also be of great assistance.

The price comparison site is still in Beta mode and we have over 100 mobile phones, desk phones, and mobile accessories listed mostly from Jumia and Konga, Nigeria’s leading online retailers.

More retailers will be added in the coming weeks. Price comparison websites enable consumers compare prices of products from different brands and stores for a well informed buying decision.

Price Comparison websites also offer links to the online store making it easy for you to buy the product. At NaijaTechGuide Price Comparison site, you will find a link to the online store, where you will find more information about the product as well as buy if you are ready.

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So, next time you want to buy a mobile phone, desk phone, or an accessory like battery, earphones, wireless chargers or traditional chargers, visit NaijaTechGuide Compare to Compare Mobile Phone Prices for latest prices of mobile phones and accessories from different brands and stores.

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Here are links to specific sections in the mobile phones category:

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Paschal Okafor
Paschal Okafor
Paschal Okafor is the founder of NaijaTechGuide. A Graduate of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Paschal is passionate about Technology and since 2006 has written over 4000 articles covering Mobile Devices, Consumer Electronics, Digital Marketing, Mobile Apps, and Online Services. Over the past 16 years, he has managed to turn a blog that started life on a Google Blogger subdomain into the Largest Technology Blog in Nigeria and quite possibly the largest in Africa. Paschal has been Building, Analyzing, and Maintaining Websites for over 17 years and also shares his wealth of knowledge and experience about building and managing websites on NaijaTechGuide.

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