Afrinolly is not a website you visit, but an app you download and install on your mobile phone, tablet, or Windows 8 PC. Once downloaded and installed, you can watch Nigeria, African and Indian Movies on the device as well as get latest gist about about movies, music and celebrities in Africa. Afrinolly is a free app.

Supported Devices
Afrinolly supports Android, BlackBerry, iOS, Windows Phone 8, and Windows 8 devices. Here are some specifics:
You can download Afrinolly on Android devices from Android 2.2 and newer. Afrinolly is also available for devices running iOS 5 and later including your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. It is also available for BlackBerry Phones running BlackBerry 4.6.0 or higher as well as smartphones running Windows Phone 8 like the Nokia Lumia X20 series.
You can also download Afrinolly for Java supporting phones like the Nokia S40, Symbian, Samsung Ch@t phones, and other Java enabled feature phones and smart phones. If you own a Windows 8 based laptop, tablet, or desktop, you are not left out as Afrinolly supports Windows 8.
Download Afrinolly for your Device
Search for Afrinolly on the official store of the platform running your device. Here are download links we grabbed from the Afrinolly website:
- Download Afrinolly for Feature phones & Smartphones with Java support
- Download Afrinolly for Android
- Download Afrinolly for iPad
- Download Afrinolly for BlackBerry 10 Phones
- Download Afrinolly for iPhone
- Download Afrinolly for BlackBerry Phones
- Download Afrinolly for Windows Phone 8 & Nokia Lumia Phones
- Download Afrinolly for iPhone
Download will require internet access. Using Afrinolly will also require internet. Streaming and watching movies on a mobile phone will require fast internet access like 3G or Wi-Fi. Afrinolly may redirect you to YouTube or other website.