In this era of online business, it is very necessary for an individual to gain recognition in business globally. The world won’t know about you just by creating your website on your computer, it is vital to host your website on the internet. Just by registering a domain name won’t serve you any purpose, unless and until you host your website and it becomes live on the internet.
Web hosting is basically a server space which you buy for your website. You can easily create your website on your desktop and upload it on internet using web hosting service so that other people can access it.
Platform Types
There are two types of platform which are typically used for reliable web hosting:
- Widows Web Hosting
- Linux Web Hosting
You can choose any of the platforms, but it depends on the type of scripting language you used designing your website. Windows and Linux both provide with an access of FTP i.e. File Transfer Protocol which allows to upload file on the server from your hard drive. You can go for any platform, if your website is a static one which is created using HTML or CSS.
Linux Web Hosting
Linux is the predominant platform for web hosting. It is typically the most consistent and stable platform used. Linux is a UNIX based open source platform. Its most important feature is LAMP i.e. Linux, Apache, MariaDB/MySQL, and Perl/PHP/Python. It is an optimal solution to web hosting with minimal budget.
Why Choose Linux Hosting
- It is a most flexible language which can be use with almost all the outsource technologies such as:
- Python
- PERL and many more
- It is known for its stability and security. It is a robust language which provides your data safety and steadiness.
- It provides you with uncomplicated administration which requires no software tools.
- As Linux is an outsource platform, its OS comes free of cost. Moreover its desktop applications also come free with its OS
- The website which is designed to host on Linux web server can be easily be host on windows web server.
- Backups are the important part of any website and so Linux provides you with easy backup facilities
- Linux performs faster.
- Linux comes with a troubleshooting facility and so it provides a reliable technical support too.
If one has its advantages than some disadvantages also comes with it. Disadvantages of Linux hosting are:
- The website which is designed keeping in mind windows hosting is not compatible with Linux hosting. It is not compatible with windows applications and the coding conversions.
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Now it is up to you to see the brighter or a darker side. But yes, Linux stills hold an upper hand when we talk about web hosting and most favorable in terms of cost too.