HomeGamingDragon Age Inquisition Console Commands and Cheats

Dragon Age Inquisition Console Commands and Cheats

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Dragon age inquisition is the latest installment of the vastly famous Dragon age series, it is a Fantasy Role-Playing game (RPG), developed by BioWare. This game was released on 18-11-2014.

It is an open world game and almost takes around 100-120 hours to finish it. So if you are looking for an RPG game and have some extra time to spare, then this game is a must-have. This game is released for the PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.

Dragon Age Inquisition is very huge and you might get bored sometimes while playing this game or sometimes you get stuck on a mission and not know how to get out.

So you can always get some extra help from the cheats. The cheats make your game a little easier and you can progress on the storyline without having to play the same mission over and over again.

In the RPG games, the main focus is a storyline and not the combat, we have other games for that. The Dragon Age series has a rich story behind it so the fans of the game do not want to get stuck in the same level, again and again, they want to enjoy the story, different locations, new features etc.

There are some neat tricks and tips, which will help you to get a good grip on this game and you can conquer the field of battle and end victorious every time you play.

The cheats of the game are pretty awesome. For example, by using these cheats you can be immortal, you can have infinite gold which is pretty damn cool etc.

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How to use cheats in PC

So when you know what you can do with the Dragon Age Inquisition cheats the real question arrives, how to use these cheats on your PC. To make yourself a deadly weapon which is feared by all.

All you gotta do is press the tilde button (which is located just below the Esc button on your keyboard and it has {~} printed on it) while playing the game on your PC.

Now this will open a console command window. Where you can enter all of the Dragon Age Inquisition cheats you want to use. By the way, you cannot use the console commands like you used to do in the previous game. But here are some of the command that you could use at your convenience.


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RenderDevice.TrippleBufferingEnable 1 (Enables Triple-Buffering)

RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 2 (Force rendering only 2 frames ahead)





Perfoverlay.DrawGraph 1 (Shows Performance Graph)


Perfoverlay.DrawFPS 1 (Shows your FPS on-screen)



Screenshot.Render (Takes a Screenshot)





And if you want more out of the cheats then you should definitely check Cheat Engine. This software is best in the business for cheating in games and making you a pro in no time at all. This software can change any numbers in your game and give you the upper hand in the fighting your enemy.

How to use Cheats in Consoles

If you want to use cheats in your gaming console so the answer is, no you cannot use cheats like that on your console because you cannot reach console command on your PlayStation or Xbox, so you have to use exploits or glitches in order to become a pro in short amount of time.

You can find how to use these glitches on YouTube there are a lot of videos available which will help you understand the concept of glitches more easily.

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