HomeSoftwareRemote DBA Expert Points out the Amazing Advantages of Oracle Databases for...

Remote DBA Expert Points out the Amazing Advantages of Oracle Databases for Your Business

Oracle database boasts of a number of amazing features that makes it stand tall among the rest. It is undoubtedly very popular among businesses.

New and updated versions of Oracle are introduced with cutting-edge characteristics and novel features that are all geared towards the success of corporations and businesses.

Oracle has established its niche in the software market and has assumed leadership thanks to its brilliant features and amazing benefits and its persistent endeavours toward coming up with perfect databases for business use.

Over the years, Oracle has proven to be the number one software firm in terms of quality, consistency, and innovation.

Customer Satisfaction

Oracle promises the highest levels of customer satisfaction. The company believes in providing superlative customer service. For instance, all leading Oracle databases are actually backward compatible.

This implies that businesses can effectively upgrade their systems now without worrying about completely overhauling their database system. This provides low-cost and efficient updates.

Moreover, the latest Oracle database versions would be providing innovative novel features while retaining the popular characteristics of the older versions. This clarifies that Oracle’s product is based primarily on consumer’s function instead of what proves to be cost-effective for Oracle.

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Oracle databases are efficient and versatile and so they prove to be useful in all kinds of corporate level applications. Oracle today is known for dominating the banking landscape.

In this connection, we know that the top ten banks in the world use Oracle databases for conducting their business efficiently. This is chiefly because of Oracle database’s functionality.

They would be providing a magical mix of integrated business solutions and high-level technology. Oracle databases prove to be ideal for businesses that boast gigantic amounts of data for storing and accessing.

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Another critical benefit provided by Oracle databases are actually their reliability and trustworthiness. Oracle delivers exceptional performance when they encounter challenges of fulfilling demanding tasks.

The ACID Test is supposed to be a critical tool for ensuring reliability and integrity of the stored data and Oracle passed this test with flying colors.

This test seems to be of prime importance as reliable data storage is supposed to be the cornerstone of a good database. Oracle Database has been consistently delivering high integrity in terms of data storage.

Flashback Technology

Oracle databases boast flashback technology that is an incredible advantage. In case of an application failure due to a variety of reasons, it is mandatory not to lose any important data from your database.

Thanks to Oracle’s Flashback technology, there is no longer any fear of data loss as the cutting-edge technology ensures perfect recovery of all data whether lost or mistakenly deleted.  This efficient Flashback technology would be removing human error and increasing database recovery time.

This feature makes the administrative process and overall management really simple.

Conclusion: Phenomenal Market Presence

Oracle is supposed to be the largest ever vendor of RDBMS and it has been investing in R&D even more than the amount its competitors would be earning in terms of total revenue.

There is no question of Oracle letting you down in any way. They are having proficient and dedicated staff and numerous third-party interfaces for offering prompt and perfect solutions.

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