HomeInternetHow To Get More Likes On Your Instagram Feed

How To Get More Likes On Your Instagram Feed

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Everyone on Instagram wants to get more likes. There are a few things you can do that will help you towards achieving this goal. Just follow the tips below and start getting more likes:

Create Content That Your Followers Like

The first thing that you need to do is to create posts that are engaging. Find out what types of posts get more popular on your niche and create posts like that.

Check the interest of your followers like what they like and share and keep posting content similar to that and you will get many likes on your posts.

Hashtags can Also Help

Hashtags are also important when you are really looking to get likes on your posts.

There are many popular hashtags and using those hashtags will let your posts to be discovered by many Instagram users and you can get many likes.  So, add hashtags to your posts.

Instagram Hashtag

Like for Like

When you will like the post of any other Instagram user, you will surely get likes back on your posts. The reason is there are many other users who are also looking to get likes and if you like their posts, they will surely like yours if not all, but some will definitely.

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You can search #likeforlike and #like4like and can like many posts to get likes back.

Take High-Quality Photos

To share on Instagram, you need really high-quality images. This is because if you post low-quality images, no one is going to like those posts.

So, take the latest smartphone or a DSLR and click some awesome pics to share on Instagram. Such photos will not only get likes but will also get shares so you can get more and more likes when you have high-quality photos.

Use the Same Filter

When you are really looking to build a brand and want more likes, it is a good idea to use a similar filter for all your photos. This trick is used by many users as it works really well.

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Moreover, using 1 or 2 filters will create a unique identity on your Instagram account. So, whenever your followers see your photos, they will recognize them instantly and you can get more likes.

Post on Certain Times

There are some certain times when you can get more likes. You need to find when most of your followers are online.

For that, post on Instagram at different times for few days and after that analyze the results and notice the timings when you get most likes.

Next time, just post at that time when you were getting more likes.

Like the Posts of Your Followers

This is one of the best ways to get more likes. Whenever you have time, check out the posts of your followers and like them.

Your followers will feel that you care for them and when you post anything, they will surely like your posts. This is one of the widely used strategies.

Buy Instagram Followers

We all know that to get likes you need followers, and it can be sometimes very hard to get thousands of followers so that you can get likes.

So, it is good to buy Instagram followers. This will not only increase your followers but will also get you more likes. Check the packages below.

Instagram Likes

Buy Instagram Likes

Keep Posting

To get engaged with your followers you need to post daily or after 1 day or 2. If you don’t do so, you may lose many followers, as a result, you cannot get many likes.

So, keep posting at regular intervals and let your followers know that you are always active.

“Tag a friend” Posts

You probably have seen that there are many posts in which users are asked to tag a friend who can like this product.

This technique helps them get likes. You can do the same thing to get likes.

Just post an image of your product and add the same call to action and get ready to get more likes. This will also help you to increase your brand awareness.


Use all these strategies to get more likes and get famous on Instagram. All the methods listed here are really very simple to use. All you need is dedication.

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