HomeMobile PhonesTips to Buy a Latest Smartphone at Cheapest Price

Tips to Buy a Latest Smartphone at Cheapest Price

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Technology is growing everyday introducing smart features to gadgets. As a result, smartphones have become an important part of everyone’s life. Every third person is using a smart-phone to make his/her daily life easy. Smartphone world is developing faster and better than ever.

The iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro Max and iPhone 12 Pro Max are the latest models of the iPhone.

In 2018, you have already witnessed some great smart-phones releases. For example, Apple iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy Note 9, and  Google Pixel 2 XL are some popular smartphone launched this year. Smart-phones are getting bigger, smarter and appealing with every new release.

In 2019, the fifth generation(5G) smartphones are expected to hit the market. A few of them are Samsung Galaxy S10 Or Galaxy X, Huawei P30, Oneplus 7 Or Oneplus 7T and iPhone X (2019) with improved fifth generation system. Technology has always surprised everyone with its creativity and innovation. So, it is obvious to expect more and more every year.

Why you should own the latest Smartphone?

Smartphones have several advantages which is certainly creating a better place for everybody. So, keep an eye on this emerging smartphone market and grab the best in the latest technology available. Every latest smart-phones come with various improved features and updates. Some of the prime benefits of having the latest smartphone are mentioned below:

  • High speed and better performance
  • Improved communication with advanced features
  • Incredible high definition cameras
  • Entertainment options in just a touch
  • Maximum storage for more and smarter apps amplifying smart-phones
  • Higher reliability
  • Most importantly improved privacy and security systems

Moreover, owing the latest smart-phone is always considered the coolest thing, irrespective of your profession or field.

Now, you can make up your mind to upgrade your smart-phone with the latest one. But, every latest smart-phone comes at a high price tag. However, if you use smart tips to buy the latest smart-phone, you can save a good amount of money. The inspiration behind this article is to provide you with great money saving ideas while buying the latest smart-phones.

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So, let’s start!

How to get the Best Deals on the latest Smart-phones?

1. Trading off your old phone

Best deals come in all forms. Either you can exchange it or sell it for buying a new smart-phone. There are several trade-in programs to offer you good value on your old smart-phones.

These programs buy your old phones in exchange of gift cards, Paypal transfer or even in cash. Typically, these programs quote the value of your old smart-phone based on the model, condition, brand, and availability of the original bill.

If you agree with their pricing, they send you a box with prepaid return shipping. You will then have to ship your old phone using the same box to the company. Once they receive the phone in the described condition, payment is made to you.

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Some of the popular trade-in programs are Gazelle, NextWorth, Best Buy, uSell, and Amazon. You can upload your selling inquiry to each of such medium and compare the prices offered by them.

The most trusted among all is Amazon as it offers great value in exchange for the Amazon gift cards. Moreover, Amazon sells anything and everything so, you can even use the gift card to buy your next smartphone from here.

Also, you can simply look for smart-phones deals with exchange offers. Either way, you will have to pay lesser than the actual market value for your latest smartphone.

2. Mobile Carrier Company plans

One great way to get cheapest smartphone deals is buying it via carrier company’s plan. After you decide on your latest pick, compare the carriers offers to find the best plan including phone and service cost.

Sometimes, the carrier may blind you with their free phone offers and charge high for the services bounding you in two years contracts.

However, in a longer run, mobile carriers plan seems more budget friendly compared to rest of the options. (only if all the contracts are compared and calculated thoroughly)

Here are some great plans offered by the mobile network carrier companies

  • AT&T – Next 12 and Next With Down Payment are the best plans which you can opt for buying your latest smart-phones with AT&T service. These normally have two years contract with 12 months upgrade. Hence, you can get really good saving by the time your next smart-phone releases out.
  • T-Mobiles – T-Mobile’s JUMP and JUMP! On Demand are T-Mobiles options for people who frequently like to swap with the latest smart-phones. Unlike AT&T, these plans are for leasing the phone in exchange for more frequent access to upgrades. If you have good credit score, you can get $0 down which is a good deal for frequent up-graders.
  • Verizon – This is specific for iPhone fans. Verizon plans are eligible only for Apple Phones. The advantage of this carrier is that you can upgrade your smartphone after 6 months or even you have paid half of the money.
  • Sprint – this is an another iPhone lover carrier company. Here, plans are similar to Verizon. iPhone Forever is a leasing plan that allows you to upgrade after a year. Similar to other carriers, a good credit score enables you $0 down and in other cases, you have to pay a minimum down payment.

3. Refurbished Smartphones

Most of you have heard of refurbished phones. Have you ever wonder why these phones are sold cheaper than the brand new ones? Its because refurbish is a used phone which has undergone wiping and cleaning to look like a new one.

Most retailers sell such phones with refurbishing certificates for their customer satisfaction with service guaranteed. These amazing smart-phones are fully loaded and  cost much lesser than the original value.

So, if you want to have the latest smartphone with great saving, refurbish phones are a great option too.


Latest smartphones are very expensive deals. So, you cannot expect to save greatly but, saving can be done for sure. Coupons are also a great source of saving while buying the latest gadgets.

You can use platforms like Couponobox.com to grab deals on various retailers and stores. Hope you found the above information useful!

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NaijaTechGuide Team is made up of Experienced Tech Enthusiasts and Professionals led my Paschal Okafor, a graduate of Electrical and Electronics Engineering with over 17 years of Experience writing about Technology. Some of us were writing about Mobile Phones before the first Android Phones and iPhones were launched.

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