HomeMobile PhonesHas the Smartphone Changed How we Buy our Products? (Infographic)

Has the Smartphone Changed How we Buy our Products? (Infographic)

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For years, the world of commerce has been changing. From the development of supermarkets and similarly sized stores to those who make all of their purchases online, the smartphone has changed how we buy all of our products forever. Today, thanks to the information provided by signal-boosters.co.uk, we know that 2 billion people are now using mobile devices to stay connected to the internet.

However, in the next five years, this is suspected to grow by 25% year-in, year-out. By 2021, people expect it to make up over half – 54% – of the total eCommerce sales across the board. Add in the fact that it makes up around one third of all decisions being made for purchases on the street, too, and it’s easy to see why so many people are out and about on the streets with their phones.

They aren’t always snapping selfies or telling their Facebook friends about their day. Often they are doing a bit of price and feature comparisons, reading reviews and doing everything that they can to make sure that they are 100% happy with any and all purchases that they make moving forward.

It’s this kind of change to the system that will make such a big difference to the industry as a whole. No longer will people simply make a purchase based on a friends’ recommendation or a ‘FOR SALE’ sign – with the power of the always-connected smartphone, we can do a bit of digging and learn more about the product for ourselves.

In the past, companies could be much more brazen with their marketing tactics as they knew that they had victory when it came to supply and demand. With mobile commerce, you can now find their cheaper competitor while standing in their own shop!

This means that the smartphone has transformed how and when we buy our products. If you believe that mobile commerce is just a fad, take a look at where you turn to the next time you cannot make a decision on a product to purchase: you might just find yourself with your smartphone in hand.

Signal Boosters have created the infographic below “The Future of M-Commerce” which outlines how big mobile commerce is set to become in the next few years;

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Has the smartphone changed how we buy our products Infographic

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NaijaTechGuide Team is made up of Experienced Tech Enthusiasts and Professionals led my Paschal Okafor, a graduate of Electrical and Electronics Engineering with over 17 years of Experience writing about Technology. Some of us were writing about Mobile Phones before the first Android Phones and iPhones were launched.

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