The world from above is magical. For the past years, photographers had to hire an aircraft to get an airborne view. But luckily for them, with just an affordable budget, photographers can now get a perfect airborne view using drones for photography.
The photography market for drones has grown rapidly and without controversies. Putting aside for a moment issues relating to safety and privacy, quadcopter camera shooting is quite an exciting time.
Having good drone photography tips and techniques enables you to capture the landscape from a fresh perspective – one you haven’t experienced before. For beginners using drones for photography, you’d have to understand some of the drone tips required in the shooting. Put your mind at ease for this article will get you sorted.
Drone Photography Tips and Techniques
For the most part, it’s similar to operating a normal digital camera; the modes to choose, the shutter speeds, etc. Look out for the following drone camera shooting tips:
1. Bracket Your Photos
This gives you the right exposure every time. Normally, quadcopters possess the capability to do 3-shot brackets. As a beginner, could make use of this to underexpose and overexpose your shots by a stop; more like exposure insurance.
At times, you’d prefer the overexposed shots better and at times the underexposed. In any case, use it. Besides, you could use HDR software to combine exposures later or blend the exposures.
2. Use Automatic Mode in Shooting with a Drone
Most photographers are dedicated to using the manual mode, but when it comes to drone camera shooting, then automatic mode performs best.
Considering there’s much to worry about when using drones for photography, we’d rather you don’t add exposure control to your list of worries.
For beginners, start with the automatic mode, and once you get comfortable with the other controls, then you can now be able to switch the exposure controls at will.
3. Have Extra Batteries
Next on the list of quadcopter photography tips and techniques are batteries. Most drone batteries last for roughly 30 minutes. This time isn’t much considering you might want to fly to different spots within the same day.
You won’t be able to charge your batteries between spots and therefore you’ll need extra batteries. The amount you need depends on the task. The best drone with 4k camera has four to be safe. They aren’t cheap so consider carefully.
4. Stay Low
Drones can fly up to 400 feet, and it’s exciting to fly high as this ensures you’re safe from power lines, and obstacles. For good photos you’d have to stay low, you don’t want your shot looking like something from Google Earth. A high below 100 feet gives you a good foreground for your picture.
5. Use Filters
The lens on your drone will have one aperture, and this leaves you with limited options for changing your shutter speeds. Buy dense neutral filters, commonly used for video but will still come in handy. They’ll force the camera to a longer shutter speed by restricting the amount of light entering the camera.
Shooting a quadcopter is lots of fun and adds taste to your photography. For the beginners, go out there and make it happen and keep your attitude in check to avoid crashing. Make sure to get a good drone for beginners.
Have you ever used a quadcopter for any shoot? How did you get started?
Author’s Bio: Alex Green is an aspiring photographer from Los Angeles. He is also a freelance writer for many sites, such as Alex studied at California State University and began to take a great interest in photography, where he with other students participated in photography contests developing creative thinking.