HomeSoftwareJava vs Python - What's better for your Project?

Java vs Python – What’s better for your Project?

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Long lines of arguments for and against Java / Python. Which one to choose for your project? Let’s take a close look at each technology, their pros and cons. Making the right choice will be much easier.

Java: Scalability and Speed

Java is a great powerful tool for building big projects that are easy to scale. You can use Java Platform to add as many features to the project as needed. Development environment comprises a wide choice of frameworks, plug-ins, APIs, libraries Runtime Environment and JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Using this pack of tools will let developers implement any of the business logic in one single project.

Developing huge projects with Java lets you run them at high speed. A good example of high-speed software is Twitter. It was initially developed with Ruby on Rails and then shifted to Java. Java Virtual Machine is now used for the back-end part of the web app.

One of the key features of Java – it’s object-oriented. This gives you a flexible and extensible development workflow. This language is popular and there’s a big number of certified developers. There’s a big community where developers can find information as well as contribute something useful.

Good for:

  • Enterprise-scale projects like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. Good performance and speed of work.
  • Short development period. You can use JVM for delivering MVP in a short time.

Bad for:

  • Analytics and statistics. Java cannot offer advanced packages for such projects.

Python: Flexibility and Ease

Python is good for web apps where you plan to have heavy traffic loads. It’s efficient and the code is easy to view. You will have less code than with the Java project. The goal of Python developers is to find the only way to solve the task. There’s a big number of available libraries. It has a good scalability feature.

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Good for:

  • Statistics and Analysis. Python offers easy-to-use tools for developing projects for processing big blocks of information. There’s a convenient environment for integrating various web apps one with another.
  • Machine learning. Python is a good choice here as there is a big number of libraries for crafting powerful software.

Bad for:

  • Highly specialized apps for data processing.

Java and Python are both powerful languages and they share a lot of similar features. Java is compiled while Python is interpreted – there are differences as well. Choosing the right language for the project is not an easy one. Think if you want to have a scalable application, how many people will use it and how it can be updated in the future.

FInd below a great infographic comparing Java and Python by Educba:

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Java vs Python - What's better for your Project?

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