HomeSoftwareSimple Strategies to Get Certified as an AWS Solutions Architect

Simple Strategies to Get Certified as an AWS Solutions Architect

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An AWS Solutions Architect designs and deploys applications and systems on the AWS cloud computing platform. Getting certified as an AWS Solutions Architect – Associate verifies your technical capacity in managing AWS (Amazon Web Services) systems.

What is the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Certification?

Getting AWS Certified Solution Architect – associate credential validates your following abilities: 

  • Develop and deploy highly available and scalable solutions on AWS
  • Migration of an on premise application to AWS cloud (Lift & Shift)
  • Data management and integrity to and from AWS cloud
  • Choosing the right AWS service based on the requirements such as data, security, database, etc
  • Using the AWS service in an optimized manner to gain most out of it
  • Calculating the AWS cost and finding the ways to cut down this amount

Benefits of getting certified as an AWS Architect

  •  With AWS certification, you can advance your career in the IT industry
  • As per the report, AWS Certified Architect Associates are one of the top-paying professionals and are earning nearly $120000 salary on an average basis
  • With this credential, you cover a wide range of technologies including networking, database management, security and many other

How to prepare for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam Questions?

Just gaining in-depth knowledge of test material will not be sufficient for you to pass the AWS certification exam. You must have knowledge of what is the type of exam, how many questions will be in the exam, will there be enough time to come back on the same question and so on.

A proper AWS Architect training is mandatory to have this relevant information before appearing for the AWS certification exam. Let’s discuss the AWS Solution Architect exam preparation strategy one by one.

Book the exam and start a disciplined preparation

If you think, you will first prepare and then scheduled for the exam; this might not work for you. Once you book the examination, you get a feeling that you have a limited amount of time for the preparation.

It makes you disciplined and punctual with your AWS certification exam preparation.

Join an Online Training Platform

Getting AWS Solution Architect Certification becomes easy when you join the right training platform.

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I have joined, Janbask Training for the certification preparation along with other colleagues. Indeed, under their correct guidance, I could go through the test,

Understand the Theoretical Concepts and Perform lab activities

You will get a bundle of AWS architect certification exam material from your training providers. It is better to go through the whole data once and then come on the practice part.

But, doing lab exercise just after completing a small portion is more effective way of preparation and that’s what I liked most about online certification providers while preparing for AWS certification.

Questions in the exam may be somewhat tricky than you have prepared

It is true that you will probably practice an extensive range of sample questions while preparing for AWS certification exam.

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But, in the actual exam, you may come across an entirely new set of questions. To avoid this scenario, it is better to practice a variety of questions instead of a large number of the same types of questions.

Submit the answer only when you are sure

When you are all set to submit the answer, just know one thing, do it only if you are sure because once you have submitted the answer, you are not allowed to change it again.

You can come back to the question again and submit once sure about the answer. Also, if you have selected an option in the question, you can’t skip to the next question without submitting or clearing the response.

Skip around if required

While giving AWS solution architect certification test, it is good to go through all the questions and submit only the ones which you are sure about.

Coming back to the difficult questions after submitting answers for the easy and average questions, is a correct approach for qualifying the AWS certification exam.

Think deeply about the options

In the AWS Solution Architect exam, you will get multiple-choice questions. And, in most tricky questions, you will observe, all the options are nearly close or similar.

In such cases, you should read the question carefully and figure out which options should be eliminated. Eliminate one by one and get the correct answer. This strategy clearly works and will help you pass the exam.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Exam Guide

  • Test Duration – 130 Minutes
  • No of Questions – 55 to 60
  • Exam Format – Multiple Choice Type
  • Exam Cost – $150 for first certification, $75 for recertification
  • Requirements for Recertification – Due to the quick-moving nature of AWS, they need recertification every two years
  • Exam Material – For each type of AWS exam, it offers a blueprint of the exam that details questions types, topic weight and suggested reading that would be the base of your testing. You will see that AWS is majorly into networking, security, database management, storage, and many high-end technologies. Focusing on this exam blueprint should be your first preparation strategy for the AWS Solution Architect certification exam.
  • What is the penalty for failing the test? Like most exams, you will have to wait for two weeks after failing the exam to reappear for the exam. There is no limit on the attempts you can take for the certification exam. It is simple, give until you don’t get certified.
  • Is the exam open book? All the AWS certification exams are closed book and closed internet. Once you start the exam or the clock of the exam gets to start, all you have on your mind is the only stuff can help you in the exam.
  • Where does the actual test happen? All the AWS certification exams are under the proctorship of a local community college – PSI. You are supposed to reach the center 15 minutes before the exam, present a valid ID proof, keep mobile phones and all other electronic items in a locker, and get a test opened by proctor on a computer. You are only given a whiteboard and pen during the exam.
  • Does AWS Solution Architect Certification need formal preparation? Yes, It requires systematic preparation for AWS certification. In this way, you come across various types of questions that may be asked in the exam, important topics, exam format, and style, etc.


I expect that this post will help you a lot in preparing for the AWS Solution Architect Certification Exam. Just appear for the exam and share your experience, it would be great to hear from you!

While preparing for the exam, you may face some challenges. I would suggest you take the help of an online training platform in such situations since it can guide you to move forward in the right direction!

Author Bio:

Digvijay Upadhyay

Digvijay Upadhyay has over 5+ years of Experience as AWS Architect & Developer at JanBask. Additionally, I am providing training to professionals and writing technical and helpful blogs related to AWS solution, AWS courses & AWS technical trending topics.

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