HomeServicesHow to Process an Employer's Permit / Recruiter's License in Nigeria

How to Process an Employer’s Permit / Recruiter’s License in Nigeria

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The norm in Nigeria with regards to the recruitment of unemployed persons is that majority of recruitment agencies make promises of employment to unsuspecting job seekers which in most cases are non-existent and demand a high consulting fees for such unscrupulous service.

It is then crucial for companies or organizations keen on operating recruitment service as a recruitment agency or to function as a recruiter in any capacity in Nigeria to comply with the provisions of the Labour Act, CAP L1, LFN 2004, and obtain a RECRUITERS LICENSE from the Ministry of Labour and Employment.

The Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment has 2 main classes of Recruiter’s License issued to Potential Employment Agencies  and Labour Contractors which includes the following:

  1. Recruiters License for Domestic Operations
  2. Recruiters License for International Operations

Recruiters License for Domestic Operations

This license serves the purpose of enabling its holder to carry out business as an employment agency within the sovereign territory of Nigeria.

The Domestic application Form can be downloaded here and completed by companies seeking the License.

Recruiters License for International Operations

This License enables its holder to operate an employment agency within Nigeria as well as aiding the holder to make the placement of Nigerians in jobs abroad.

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The International application Form can be downloaded from here and completed by Companies seeking the License.

Requirements for Recruiter’s License

The following are documents and information essential for the procurement of an Employer’s permit/recruiter’s License from the Ministry of Labour and Employment:

  1. The application for Recruitment permit must be on the Letterhead paper of the company addressed to the state controller of the Federal Ministry of Labour, Lagos state office
  2. Appropriately Completed application form (Obtainable from ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. Photocopy of the receipt for the payment of the sum of N5,000 (This payment is made through remita)
  4. Memorandum and Articles of Association stating that the company actually carry out the business of outsourcing manpower for recruitment purposes
  5. A copy of the management profile to determine the proficiency of the management.
  6. Bank Guarantee/Insurance bond for number of workers recruited.
  7. Photocopy of the Certificate of Incorporation
  8. Evidence of Registration with a Pension Fund Administrator
  9. Copy of contract letter of appointment for both permanent and recruited staff
  10. Copy of contract with client company (ies)
  11. Three Copies of company’s Handbook/Conditions of Service (A booklet Form)
  12. Evidence of health insurance bond for number of workers recruited
  13. Names, addresses and telephone numbers of Directors as contained in the Form CAC 7A of the Company
  14. Evidence of registration with NSITF (Employees Compensation)
  15. Training Policy for employee/recruited personnel
  16. Name(s) of union(s) which workers belong to.
  17. Registration with the Industrial Training Fund(ITF)
  18. Evidence of registration with a regulatory body in sectors of focal point
  19. Evidence of payment of License fee of N200,000

Steps for Processing of a Recruiter’s License

  1. Once the application is submitted, an inspector will be given the mandate to inspect the applicant’s premises.
  2.  The Inspector will prepare a report which will be sent to the Desk officer
  3. The Desk officer will forward the report to the Controller at the Ministers office for processing.
  4. The Controller will then issue a Confirmation letter indicating final submission.
  5. The Controller at this point will verify all accompanying documents for approval
  6. And if approval is given, the sum of N200, 000 will be paid as license fee and evidence of payment sent to the controller after which a Recruiter’s license will be issued.

Below are a breakdown of relevant fees payable for fresh application and renewal of Domestic and International recruiter’s license.


TYPE Application Fees Fees Validity Period
Fresh Application ₦5000 ₦200,000 2 years
Renewal ₦5000 ₦100,000 1 years
Renewal ₦5000 ₦200,000 1 years


TYPE Application Fees Fee Validity Period
Fresh Application ₦5,000 ₦300,000 2 years
Renewal ₦5,000 ₦300,000 2 years


  • Ministry of Labour and Employment: details
  • Ibe, Chido and Associates:  Click here

About the Author

Okpi, Ibe Chinedu is the Principal partner in the Law Firm of Ibe, Chido and Associates ( ) with an extensive knowledge in Corporate and Commercial Law Practice. He can be contacted via phone: 07069279374 or email: [email protected]

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