HomeeCommerceSupplying your products in Bulk with barcodes, how does this work

Supplying your products in Bulk with barcodes, how does this work

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There are many different kinds of barcodes available for your small business, all depending on your specific business needs. These range from the traditional one dimensional retail barcodes such as the EAN & UPC to the more complex two dimensional such as Quick Response Codes.

Sometimes it is hard to decide which are the ideal barcodes to use within your unique business situation. There are a few questions that you should ask yourself. Firstly, what do you need them for?

How many do you need? Are you supplying your products in bulk? Your answers to these questions will determine what kind you need as well as how many you need to buy.

barcodes123.co.za is here to answer all your barcoding questions. We are able to provide top quality barcodes that are fully registered and come with a certificate of authentication.

The most common formats that are used throughout South Africa are called the EAN and UPC. UPC are 12 digits long and the EAN is 13 digits long. They are essentially the same. However, the EAN has an extra 0 at the beginning.

These retail barcodes are used in the sale of products as well as in inventory control. Retail barcodes are used when you sell your products as single items. We are able to provide these at the most competitive rates.

Many retailers require your products to have retail barcodes in order for them to stock them. These will open up new retail opportunities for you by allowing you to stock your products at more retailers.

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What happens when you need to supply your products in bulk? What do you do when you need to provide different size cases of your products? For example, a six pack of beer. The answer is easy. All you need to do is purchase case barcodes. They are also called ITF-14 barcodes box barcodes or Interleaved 2 of 5.

The way it works is that each individual item has an EAN code. This unique EAN code is then linked to the case barcodes so that when they are scanned – it brings up a pack of 6 individual items. This makes it much easier for retailers to receive your stock into their inventory.

Some retailers will require your products to have both EAN as well as ITF-14. By acquiring ITF-14s, you will encourage more retailers to stock your products. It will also boost your reputation in the business world and encourage retailers to take you seriously. By acquiring them, you will give your small business the boost it needs to thrive in the competitive business world of today.

How many would you need for your small business? This all depends on how small or large your business is. How many products do you have? It also depends on whether you plan on supplying these products in bulk. You will need separate, individual ones for every size and variation of your product.

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So, if you are selling cat food in two different sizes and two different flavours, you will require 4 different retail barcodes. If you would also like to supply these products in bulk, you will require case barcodes for each individual variation of your product.


We can provide you with your very own unique ones for your business. The process does not take long. The first step is to acquire the EANs for your products. Once this has happened, we will lengthen the EAN to create your unique ITF-14s which will be linked to the original EAN.

Many clients want to know about what size the box barcodes should be. The important thing to note is that they need to be big enough so that it is possible to scan them. They should not be smaller than 13 mm high.

32 mm is the recommended height. This will ensure that it will be able to be scanned by all scanners. We definitely recommend doing a test scan before printing your stickers, just to be sure that they will scan.

Another decision to make is how to attach them to each box or case of your products. You have two options. Firstly, you can choose to incorporate the box barcodes into your packaging. In this way, they will automatically be placed on each and every box of your products.

If you would prefer, you can choose to print individual labels with each box code. It will then be necessary to manually apply each label to the boxes of your products. Either one of these options will work perfectly fine.

The one negative side of box barcodes is that it is necessary for the scanner to be a lot closer in order to be able to scan them. Also, they cannot store information, such as a description of your product or even an expiry date. We believe that ITF-14 formats are still very valuable as they make the retail process easier.

In conclusion, we will be able to help you with any format you may need to boost your small business. We provide a huge variety, ranging from simple EAN to box formats to QR codes. They are fully GS1 registered. There are no hidden costs or renewal fees. Sometimes starting your own business can seem like a daunting task.

There is a lot to learn. However, we are here to make the whole process easier and more straight forward for you. We can answer any questions you may have and assist you with all your barcoding needs.

Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you require more information about the process of acquiring these for your small business. Have a look at this Informative source for start-ups: Forbes How to Start a Business

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