HomeCryptocurrencyTop 5 Criticisms Levelled Against Bitcoin by Governments 

Top 5 Criticisms Levelled Against Bitcoin by Governments 

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The transactions in Bitcoin are increasing globally. Governments of all nations are worried that they have no idea what to do if there is an increased number of data theft issues due to increased Bitcoin transaction use.

Governments worldwide are now seeking the help of strict financial regulations to control the uneven circulation of Bitcoins. With some new frontiers, there will be bound to come certain obstacles in framing the transactions of Bitcoins.

Some Crucial Criticisms Against the Bitcoins by The Governments

Governments of many countries of the world are now not satisfied with the Bitcoin transactions even if it shows the growth curve from 2020. Let’s understand some of the core reasons behind that.

1. Volatile & Fluctuating Market:

The Bitcoin transactions are subject to market volatility. You never know when its price will rise and when its price will fall. Plan appropriately if you are an investor in Bitcoin.

All over the world, the transactions in Bitcoin are increasing. We all know the fact that the prices of Bitcoin fluctuate at a fast rate. If there is no proper regulation, then the chances of monetary losses are higher.

2. Cyber Theft:

Cryptocurrency transactions are technology-based transactions and are prone to cyber theft issues to a great extent. Hacking is a severe issue in the Bitcoin transaction, and it can lead to Cyber theft issues at a great time.

Many reports suggest many cyber theft issues are increasing gradually, and more cases from the mining losses are coming to the forefront to a great extent. Chances of the security breach are there that can lead to loss of Bitcoins and other valuable data.

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3. Fraud:

In addition to hacking, there is a fair amount of fraud in the market. Sellers and buyers are looking for Bitcoin in the online mode. Due to the rise in the popularity of Bitcoin, the chances of the fake agencies and the platforms are also there. Some of the Bitcoin trading exchanges can be fake. The app name Immediate Edge App will help you to understand this matter in a better way.

The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau has warned many Security exchanges where suspicious activities are bedding conducted by the Bitcoin exchanges. Ultimately, it results in the monetary losses of many investors.

4. Little or No Regulation:

In most of the countries of the world, the regulations for Bitcoin are less or very minor. The chances of monetary losses are higher, and you cannot combat that situation if you do not have a high ethical hacking knowledge level.

In some countries, Bitcoin is taxed, and in some countries, it is not taxed, so it can pose serious competition to the world’s fiat currencies. If you are a Crypto trader, then you must know these facts about Bitcoin. Government policies may lead to a high level of turbulence in the Crypto market.

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5. Chances of Huge Financial Losses:  

There are two main ways investors can suffer from financial losses if they invest their money in Bitcoins. Firstly, they can suffer financial losses due to market volatility, and secondly, they can suffer financial losses due to the scope of cyber theft.

These two reasons are the primary concern of the government. You cannot neglect these factors while determining your regulations regarding adopting Bitcoin in your country. Regarding financial transactions, you cannot afford to take any undue risks.


Hence, these are some of the core reasons why many nations’ governments have less confidence in Bitcoin transactions. Price fluctuations, fraudulent activities, and other factors can ruin investors’ expectations from the market. You must be aware of the current market challenges that Bitcoin poses for its traders worldwide.

Bitcoin can pose a severe threat to the value of the fiat currencies of the world. It can lead to less adoption of the fiat currencies of the world. Investors will find themselves cheated if the government does not take the right measure at the right point in time.

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Manoar Molla
Manoar Molla
Manoar Molla is naturally passionate to write articles on different niche related to business, health, travel and digital marketing. He writes article by day and read at night and he has a passion to promote business by providing digital marketing articles which can increase organic traffic and Search Engine Visibility. He has published many articles on different blogs like contentpond and seonewbiehub. You may contact with me at [email protected]

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