HomeInternetHow to Find a Long Lost Relative on the Internet

How to Find a Long Lost Relative on the Internet

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As we go on with our day to day activities in life, it is easy to lose contact with a lot of people. The next moment, you realize it’s been a while since you got in touch with someone and you don’t have their contact details.

If you looking to find a long lost friend on the internet, then this guide is for you. the internet offers so many search option but in order to find what you are looking for, you will need to know where and how to search. This article will do just that on searching for long lost relatives.

Before starting on a search, it is recommended that you write down all details on the long lost relative that you can remember. This will help in giving you more search options.  These can be information such as middle name, age, previous school, place of employment, organisations, and so on. More information of free searches online is available on totallyfreepeoplesearch.

Searches on a long lost relative can be done on people search sites (white pages), social media sites, public records sites and search engines. These sites normally allow lookups using a name, phone number, residential address, email and businesses.

Search with a Name

Name searches are the most common types of searches there is. You can search with a name on people search sites, social media sites, public records sites and search engines. All these sites come with a search bar where you can enter your search details and search.

The disadvantage of name searches is the large amount of results that return from a search especially if the relative you are looking up has a common name. There is a way to solve this. The middle name might come in handy if you are searching on these sites.

Age also can play a major role in filtering your search on social sites and search engines.

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Search with a Phone Number

Phone number searches can also help you find that long lost relative online free of charge. Searches with a phone number can be done on people search sites, public records sites, social media sites and search engines.

People search sites, public records sites have a phone number search box where you can enter the phone number to search. You can use the search bar given on social media sites and search engines to lookup.

Search with a Residential Address

You can use a residential address to find your long lost relative if you have it with you. People search sites and public records sites offer residential address searches. They have a search box dedicated to such lookups.

Residential address searches on social media sites and search engines can be done on the search bar on the sites.

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Search with an Email

Social media sites and search engines are the ideal candidates for an email address lookup. Most people use email addresses when signing up on social media sites. This makes it an advantage to use it to search for them. Email searches can be performed on some public records sites too.

Search Sites

Recommended people search sites would be the White Pages, People Finders, Pipl, 411, Zabasearch are examples. Social media sites that can be helpful are Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Myspace and Instagram. Quite a number of the world’s population are affiliated to these sites. Your relative might be a member too.

Public records sites to lookup from include Intelius, Spokeo, Ancestry, Public Records Center, to name but some. Search engines to go to are Google and Yahoo, which are the major ones.

If these prove unsuccessful, then a private investigator might be the next option. They come at a cost though, but are worth it.

These are some of the options there is to use to find a long lost relative on the internet. All these searches are free of charge.

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Manoar Molla
Manoar Molla
Manoar Molla is naturally passionate to write articles on different niche related to business, health, travel and digital marketing. He writes article by day and read at night and he has a passion to promote business by providing digital marketing articles which can increase organic traffic and Search Engine Visibility. He has published many articles on different blogs like contentpond and seonewbiehub. You may contact with me at [email protected]

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