HomeGamingWays to Earn Gold in Lost Ark - Beginner's Guide

Ways to Earn Gold in Lost Ark – Beginner’s Guide

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Gold in Lost Ark isn’t the easiest thing to come by, especially at the beginning of the game. Don’t worry; we have you covered. One of seven in-game currencies available in this newly released MMO is gold. It has been available in South Korea for more than two years but was recently available in Europe.

Regardless of your currency, gold is always a good thing, and there are methods for farming it faster. With gold, you can purchase unique items through the auction house, and it is also possible to trade the gold with other players regardless of the tax you pay.

New gamers to Lost Ark will benefit from this, especially when they encounter more experienced players who have advanced further. So, no more wondering. Find out how to acquire gold in Lost Ark in the basic guide below.

Ways to Earn Gold in Lost Ark

Following are the prime ways to earn gold in Lost Ark.

1. Una’s Tasks

It is possible to complete Una’s tasks for players to earn gold. Unlike Dungeons, you can only accomplish the tasks once every day. If you are a high-level player, you should give them the highest priority.

You can complete an easy task in a short time. Just select the appropriate task under the Task menu and start finishing it. Once you have finished the small quests, you can move on to the main HUD and complete the quests.

These can range from killing enemies to collecting items. You will soon find that your gold will pile up as you complete tasks consistently. The gold chests will appear rapidly, and you will have thousands in gold. You can also earn gold by completing Una’s Tasks every day.

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As a reward for your efforts, you earn Una’s Tokens which you can exchange for gold at the Gold Shop. With Una’s Tokens, you can buy Gold Chests, and each chest will give you 10,000 tokens. Gold chests currently cost 500 tokens.

2. Life Skills and Selling

Also, you can buy items on the auction house by using resources gained from life skills, such as mining and herbalism skills. If more players enter the game, it’s likely to fluctuate as to which items are in higher demand.

Other than this, you can also buy gold for Lost Ark from a trusted source like MMOPixel. You can easily obtain in-game currency by using MMOPixel Lost Ark Gold and avoid wasting your time and energy.

Instead of constantly farming coins, you can enjoy the game. Your characters can enjoy a unique experience with Lost Ark Gold. So, if you want to buy Lost Ark Gold, you should try MMOPixel.

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3. Finish Chaos Dungeons

Several reasons make Chaos Raids worth the effort. Several have secret rooms where treasures can be looted then sold at auction. Furthermore, you have a chance of getting tickets to special Ticketed Events.

You can earn Combat Books by completing these quests with good auction house values. Most of the valuable loot is available and collected in Chaos Dungeons. As you defeat the Chaos boss, a portal will open with a wealth of loot.

Before the timer expires and you move on to the next stage, you must collect the loot. Loot is obtainable as soon as the boss is defeated. As the portal opens, you will have the chance to find a variety of rare items.

After looting rare materials, you can redeem them for gold. There are times when players will acquire higher-level loot by unlocking a gold portal rather than a blue one.

4. Craft and Sell Accessories

Before Lost Ark came out in the West, accessories were in high demand, likely to remain the case after launch. Many items can boost critical and specialty stats, and they are always in high demand.

You can also sell Engravings once you reach a high enough level. In exchange for gold, you can exchange for gold on auction houses. You can sell items obtained from herbalism and mining by auctioning them.

You can turn items into potions, selling them in auction houses. Additionally, selling accessories such as jewellery and artefacts will also earn you gold.

5. Abyss Dungeons

Getting gold can be achieved by farming in the Abyss Dungeons, completed in four groups. These are limited to three times per week, linked with specific character lockouts, and useful for gear progression.

You can’t run these by yourself like Chaos Dungeons, so you need to work with other competent players to gain the most benefit. You can farm gold in Abyss Dungeons on Tier 3.

There is a chance each character can get a ton of gold from these dungeons every week. Completing the dungeons will yield 7000 Gold in the hardest difficulty, while the normal difficulty yields 2400 Gold.

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