HomeCryptocurrencyInvestment 101: Tips to Follow in your Crypto Journey

Investment 101: Tips to Follow in your Crypto Journey [Beginner’s Guide]

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Before making any crypto investments, you must ensure that your financial situation is in order. An emergency fund, a reasonable amount of debt, and an investment portfolio are all necessary components of this strategy. Your crypto assets may be a valuable addition to your overall portfolio and, in theory, help you earn a higher return on your initial investment.

Knowing Your Opponent

As you begin to invest in cryptocurrencies, you should know precisely what you’re getting into beforehand. It’s critical to properly research the company you’re considering investing in before making a purchase. 

You should follow this strategy for every kind of cryptocurrency since there are hundreds of them, each with its unique functions and new ones being developed daily. Each transaction must have an investing case that you comprehend.

Most cryptocurrencies have no tangible assets or cash flow to support them. Investors in Bitcoin, for example, must hope that someone will pay more for the item than they did to make a profit. If you’re looking to make money with cryptocurrency, you’ll have to wait for the market to become more enthusiastic and bullish before you can reap the benefits.

Push Forward or Fall Back

Risk management is an important part of every business. It’s important to limit your risk when trading any asset, but it’s much more important when dealing with volatile assets like cryptocurrencies.

Risk management and a risk mitigation plan are essential for novice traders. It’s also significant to know a platform that is secure and legitimate.

To manage risk and minimise the chances of losing funds to crypto’s volatile nature, some traders engage in well-known trading platforms like Binance or alternative platforms like Bitcoin Up, which connects them to reliable brokers in the market who offer services such as trading tools to trade effectively and in a safe manner. 

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It’s a good idea for new traders to put aside some trading money and only use a small fraction of it initially. If a transaction goes against them, they’ll still have money in the reserve to use for future trades. In the end, if you don’t have money, you can’t trade. Maintaining an emergency fund ensures you’ll always have enough cash to cover your trading costs.

Another mistake rookie investors make is the error of extrapolating from the past into the future. In the past, Bitcoin was only worth a few cents. Just because it’s growing now does not mean it will continue to do so in the future or at the rate it’s going at right now.

Investors don’t consider the historical performance of an asset when making investment decisions but the future. If you’re a cryptocurrency trader, you’re looking for tomorrow’s profits, not today’s.

Be Careful of Unpredictability

Crypto Investment 101

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There is no asset more volatile than a cryptocurrency. They might fall in seconds if a rumour turns out to be false. Investors well-versed in market fundamentals, trends, and potential outcomes may benefit greatly, especially if they can trade quickly. It’s a minefield for novice investors who lack these abilities or the high-powered computers that control these deals.

The reason for this is that high volatility scares traders, particularly novices. Meanwhile, other traders may step in and purchase at a lower price than originally intended by the seller. Simply put, volatility benefits experienced traders who “buy low and sell high,” while naive investors benefit from “buy high and sell low” strategies.

Finally, it’s critical to refrain from investing money you don’t have in risky investments like speculative stocks. To invest your money in hazardous assets like cryptocurrencies or other market-based assets like stocks or ETFs, you can’t put it there if you can’t afford to lose all of it.


If you’re utilising an exchange or broker, don’t forget to check their security measures. Even though you are legally the owner of the assets, someone has to keep them safe, and that security needs to be tight. Some cryptocurrency traders invest in a crypto wallet to protect their funds from hackers or intruders.

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