HomeGamingThe Most Difficult Bosses of the SNES

The Most Difficult Bosses of the SNES

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Finishing a video game is an achievement for any gamer. Hours of investment to face the final boss and beat him is sometimes even more important than your graduation. Well, maybe we’re exaggerating, but if there’s a feeling of satisfaction it’s great.

But the problem is that there are some bosses that become almost impossible because of how difficult they are. It takes you much longer to face the bad guy than it takes you the entire campaign to get to him. Obviously, this creates a lot of frustration, but if you manage to defeat it, you even cry from happiness.

In this link, you can find the best tips and strategies to enjoy your favorite game more. It is always a great idea to have more information about consoles and games to enjoy them much more.

These are the most difficult SNES bosses. Which of these made you suffer the most?

Dracula – Castelvania X

The game is already very complicated. You have to pass very challenging levels and all the levels go up in difficulty. You could have thrown it away, but the music and graphic design are a beauty that won many awards.

This game also looks a lot like the original NES game, they stuck much closer to the successful saga and took advantage of the 16 bits to make it visually much more attractive. The designers thought it took a lot of skill and you had to earn to see the ending which took a lot of work to make.

Dracula is the final boss. His complication is immense, you’re going to spend a lot of time trying to beat him.

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The big problem is that you face Dracula on a floor with cliffs, and when you manage to beat him in his human form, he turns into a monster that is 10 times more complicated. Besides, every hit from you only lowers his energy a little bit, so it’s a marathon fight.

If you manage to overcome it, you basically earn the respect of the designers who did the impossible to program a battle that doesn’t make your fingers bleed by miracle.

Darth Vader – The Empire Strikes Back

Obviously playing The Empire Strikes Back fascinated all of us movie fans, but as soon as you put the cartridge in, you got a not very pleasant surprise. The programmers never modified the difficulty level and released it to the public with a basically impossible level.

There are no easy levels and everyone needs to be a literal Jedi in order to beat the levels. If you manage to survive and make it through the last few levels with energy, you’re going to face Darth Vader, something you’ve been savoring since you saw the movie.

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But unfortunately, the fight against Darth Vader will make you want to switch to the dark side because it’s basically a chore to beat him. You have to give around 128 hits to Anakin, plus he’s a levitator and throws things at you with his mind control.

Plus Vader has a more powerful lightsaber, and he moves faster than any enemy, so if you get close, you’re more likely to take damage than he is.

Shao Kahn – Mortal Kombat 2 and 3

Mortal Kombat is a classic and the second one surpassed it. In the first Shang Tsung was very complicated, because he was very fast, and turned into any of the characters, but with a good strategy, you could beat him without a problem.

In the second game, the final boss was Shao Kahn, but reaching him was not easy at all. The difficulty increased a lot and there were more characters. In any difficulty Shao Kahn was impossible, but first, you had to pass against Kintaro, who was worse than Goro. Fast, and he used half the screen, so you couldn’t jump behind him.

With patience, you could beat him. The problem was defeating Shao Kahn, who apart from being the fastest character, every time he hit you he lowered half of your energy bar, while you couldn’t hurt him even if you insulted him.

But there were ways to beat him. The designers took note and made it virtually impossible for Mortal Kombat 3 where when he hit you got dizzy and your character was useless for a few seconds, which Kahn took advantage of, to lower your energy. With this one, you had to spend a long time frustrated, because it was too complicated.

Astaroth and Nebiroth – Ghouls and Ghosts

This game is an abuse. It is very good in all its aspects, but to finish it is necessary to have a very high level against frustration and plenty of time. Because when you think you’re done, no sir, you have to start the campaign again.

The game is very difficult at all levels, when you reach the final boss, or what you think is the final boss, Astarorh, that when you manage to defeat, you are informed that no, you have to start the game again because Nebiroth awaits.

You must defeat him with a special bracelet, which is very effective, but not powerful at all. Besides, they move without a defined pattern and attack you with an infinity of powers that damage you a lot and weaken the only power you have.

But this is not all. Here you can’t be patient or take your time. You have to do it against the clock. Yes, they give you three minutes to defeat Nebiroth because if you don’t, you die. The programmers obviously didn’t want anyone to finish it.

Carnage – Maximum Carnage

The game was a gem when it came out, you could control Spider-Man and Venom, and you need both of them very much because the enemies in each level give no respite, and you have almost no power ups and your lives are counted.

If you managed to face Carnage, you had to start lighting candles and saying prayers. Because he is undoubtedly one of the most intense bosses of all. He stretches out and keeps his distance from you, so it’s impossible to contact him, and he would appear from anywhere and hang on the screen.

Besides, if he managed to connect with you, he would lower half of your energy bar, and obviously, he would kill you right away. If you managed to connect a hit, it seemed that you had not damaged him and obviously made you despair.

Finishing Maximum Carnage was a real feat that not many people could do. Which of these did you finish? Which of these did you get the angriest with?

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