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Metaverses: Principles of Impact on the User, Development Prospects and Risks. Vladimir Okhotnikov About Virtual Reality

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Users in the ideal Metaverse enjoy absolute freedom. Here you can create your own world: communicate, have fun, relax and even earn money. A decentralized economy makes it possible to do this,” Vladimir Okhotnikov, a crypto enthusiast and financial analyst, described the image of virtual reality that platform developers should strive for.

Vladimir has been interested in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies from the moment he saw in this a force that can change society for the better. He is optimistic about the latest trends in this area and is actively involved in various projects.

Vladimir Okhotnikov shares the ideas of libertarianism about individual freedom and state non-interference. He believes that cryptocurrencies can provide financial freedom and privacy.

In his opinion, government regulation in the field of crypto should be so minimal that ordinary users should not feel it. Vladimir advocates the right to freely use cryptocurrency without restrictions. He is optimistic about the future of decentralized finance (DeFi).

Vladimir Okhotnikov: Different views, one reality

The question of what Metaverses are gives rise to various interpretations. Those who play computer games participate in a variety of interactive activities – dressing up, buying real estate, selling things, or even driving a virtual car – that is, they are consumers.

This is simply an ideal opportunity for business, since brands, automakers, designers, developers and many others pay for user actions,” Vladimir Okhotnikov says that you can spend but also learn in the Metaworld.

Social technology researchers emphasize the importance of Metaverses for collaboration, trading, and payment with virtual currencies. They see virtual space as an innovative way to create, distribute and share digital art.

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At the same time, psychologists are studying the impact of Metaverses on humans. One of the problems is the asocial nature of the “second generation” Internet – WEB2, which often leads to the loss of personality and social relationships.

Those familiar with the work of Joseph Pyne will have heard of his concept of the “new experience economy.” My goal is not only to follow this path, but also to offer a fresh look at solving the problem of asociality in Metaworld, changing the format of values,” emphasized Vladimir Okhotnikov.

“That virtual world, where avatars often replace real personalities, does not preserve human relationships and social connections. Metaverses, as a place for virtual meeting, should eliminate the feeling of exclusion that is so often inherent in the modern Internet. We are literally left alone when we pick up the phone or sit down at the computer,” added Vladimir.

In the near future, I would like to see a change in the approach to participation in Metaverses. We should get real benefits from the game. At the same time, the nature of this benefit remains at the discretion of the participant: either earn money or receive a reward, let’s say, in NFT format.

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Metaverse — a new digital world with unclear rules

The question is not only whether rules can be established, but also how regulation will be carried out. We may be witnessing the formation of international alliances among developers or even states. And imagine the jurisdictional conflicts that could arise if several of the Metaverse’s biggest creators team up.

Perhaps the most notable feature of the Metaverses is that we will have to act quickly. Unlike previous technological niches, where regulation developed gradually, virtual reality requires our attention right now,” Vladimir emphasized in a conversation about the regulation of Metaverses.

Vladimir is convinced that this is a favorable moment for those who are thinking about starting a business in the field of virtual reality, but have not yet decided to take the first step.

If you had said 20 years ago that the Internet would change our lives so dramatically, you would not have believed it. Now we say that virtual reality will revolutionize everyday life before 2030, and you are doubting again. Virtual reality is no longer just a promise of the future, but an actively developing technology that will bring significant changes to various areas of our existence.

Virtual classes and offices, training, negotiations, trade, surgical operations, therapy, travel – all this will become available from home,” Vladimir Okhotnikov says that virtual platforms will make communication real, even at a distance.

Vladimir Okhotnikov: “This leaves us in a state of uncertainty, awaiting clarification from the tax authorities”

One of the key issues of running an online business is the problem of taxation in different countries. Complexities arise due to different approaches to taxes and varying rates in different jurisdictions.

Companies are forced to deal with this complex situation to avoid breaking laws and putting themselves at risk. They hire expensive lawyers, keep a huge staff of consultants, and at the same time they are still afraid of breaking the rules.

The Metaverse provides endless opportunities to do business no matter where you are, what your audience is, or what you offer.

About risks

The European Parliament Research Service (EPRS) concluded that virtual reality encourages a sedentary lifestyle, which can lead to weight problems and related diseases.

However, such research does not paint the whole picture. For example, the Pacific island of Nauru, with golden sand and blue water looks like the perfect destination for a luxury holiday. However, this picture of paradise hides not very positive statistics, which shows the resort as a holder of another record.

Nauru, with an area of just over 20 square kilometers, is one of the most remote islands, and is rich in seafood. But with all the abundance of healthy food, most people still face the problem of excess weight.

We doubt that the local residents suffer from the problem of the obesity only because they prefer to spend all their free time in virtual reality. Moreover, there are no regular print media on the island, and the only radio station is owned by the state.

However, there is an opposite example as follows:  in Switzerland, there is little trend towards weight gain, although the country is on the top in terms of quality and Internet development.

“Some people face the problem of being overweight, but only because they have not yet learned to control their work online. But if you look at what’s happening from the other side, it becomes clear that virtual reality gives us access to a lot of useful tools for self-development. This and online courses in yoga, nutrition, personal growth. And with the advent of the Metaverses, health care will not only become easier, but also more interesting. Imagine, which is better: to force yourself to do something or do it together with like-minded people, virtually being close to each other in the Metaverse?” Vladimir says that the problems arise not from the Internet itself, but from unwillingness to change their habits.

Thus, virtual reality, with the right approach and following a healthy lifestyle, does not have a significant impact on health. Important factors remain personal habits, which can be dominant in determining the level of health of the population.


Experts believe that changes in legislation and rules for the Metaverse use can only occur if significant problems arise that require a response from regulatory authorities. In order to make adjustments, certain incidents or circumstances are necessary that highlight weaknesses in existing regulation. However, as long as there are no incidents, there are no regulatory authorities either. And since there is nothing to regulate, then the Metaverses are quite safe, like the Internet as a whole.

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