HomeInternetChabot vs Live Chat: Which One is Best for the Customer Experience?

Chabot vs Live Chat: Which One is Best for the Customer Experience?

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Every industry understands that the consumer is sovereign. If you wouldn’t give your customer an exciting experience, they may start turning to your rival then. Besides, even an unhappy customer can make a substantial difference in your brand reputation, credibility, and, eventually, your sales in the internet era. This is why it is better to leverage the right customer interaction methods.

That’s the adoption of Chatbot, and live chat is increasing. So there is an excellent way for that: modern organizations tend to find new ways to maximize their clients’ experience when looking for real-time responses to their questions.

In the customer service domain, live chat vs. Chatbot is the most popular term we have encountered today. Although some have chosen live chat, some tend to use a chatbot. The goal, however, stays the same: to enhance customer service.

But whether any of these solutions are more appropriate for your company? They both have had their upsides and downsides.

The live chat vs. chat bot question is among the most common challenges plaguing consulting analysts. Is it essential for a chat communication to have a living individual present, or can bots perform a considerably better task? In this blog, we’ve compared both the solutions in detail to find out the best solution. So let’s go ahead and see what both the solutions offer.

But, first, let’s start with the basics.

What is Live Chat?

 A Live chat method enables humans to interact and communicate with users and potential clients on a company website. It also seems to be an excellent method for enhancing customer experience & interaction even while reducing service costs. It could also help provide customized customer service or better brand engagement with a customer using a live chat.

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Live chat enables the audience to communicate in real-time with sales and marketing representatives. Live chat seems to be the ideal addition to reliable support. Compared to email and mobile, live chat leads to even better customer service.

Let’s move ahead and look at the upsides and downsides of Live Chat.

Upsides of Live Chat

  • Easy to answer complex queries – Chatbots are configured & could only reply to predefined questions. This is a massive help for live chat personnel as they can quickly offer real logical solutions for complicated problems.
  • Efficient – Live chat increases the employees’ productivity by allowing employees to manage numerous discussions at the very same moment. Chats can indeed be detected and redirected to the team’s correct member with the most successful solution.
  • Improved sales and conversion rates – Since you’re not relying on making the client give you a call or fill out even a questionnaire, you were able to obtain improved sales and conversions. Through live chat, your prospective customers have everything you need to understand about them, and customers would be delighted never to be forced to fill out the form.
  • Handles errors efficiently – Because they are pre-programmed, chatbots are quite susceptible to spells and do not recognize incorrect phrases. However, a human could understand and respond without difficulty to a spelling error.
  • Credibility & Relevance – This is wholly based on the connections. If this is not achieved by a person as quickly as that, you wouldn’t trust business contact. The confidence factor also rises when companies have real-time communication with their customers.

Downsides of LiveChat  

  • Scalability is a significant concern because expansion is directly related to recruiting more individuals, which progressively raises costs.
  • In comparison to chatbots, the question resolution time is indeed meager, as people have had to consider and check before providing the information.
  • Customers queuing up while live representatives are occupied is a considerable problem. However, chatbots can manage the number of complaints at the same time.
  • What consumers are asking for, you need to determine. In many other situations, there are concerns about revenue and questions about customer care. Maybe your case is different. If they come to the site asking for support via chat, think about what anyone might want. Make sure that there is a straightforward way to get them through.

What is Chatbot?

A Chatbot is a technology powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that really can replicate a life form interaction in natural language with a person. Chatbots are also identified in the modern era as among the most exciting emerging technologies that will garner attention.

It is said that they are capable of streamlining the interactions between individuals and machines. A chatbot is a technology that offers a chat interface to communicate with clients and operates as per pre-programmed instructions.

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They’re just like the name implies-bots. But let’s not let their utility be discouraged by that. The biggest advantage chatbots bring to the game is that 24/7 consumers are always on and able to communicate with them.

Upsides of Chatbot

  • Offers high support – A chatbot can rapidly manage a large volume of queries. It is probable that users who find it very difficult to attain a corporation feel ignored. You could even maintain that from happening by deploying a bot on your official site.
  • Always available – Live chat agents need a break. However, chatbots don’t. Chatbots, unlike humans, are available 24/7. This is a beautiful thing because bots could be ideal friends outside the business hours for customers in need of help.
  • Reacts faster – Chatbots are considerably quicker than live chat because they manually process details in LiveChat. In chatbots, it is mostly automated to provide way more immediate replies.
  • Multilingual – Bots can indeed be multilingual! If your live chat customer support team only understands one language, then this may be a problem. But, you can choose a standard bot to overcome this challenge and make the interaction better.
  • Other – Some other upsides of Chatbot is:
  • Requires no training.
  • Able to handle multiple interactions.
  • Offers higher stability and accuracy.

Downsides of Chatbot

  • Chatbots could not be people, losing the proficiency and friendliness you have when you interact with a human being.
  • The normal flow of person talks cannot be understood by chatbots, making it more challenging to determine the meaning of visitor’s queries.
  • As being one of the critical drawbacks of chatbots, we can tell decision-making because they literally cannot make choices on just about any moment level.

As of now, we’ve discussed Chatbot and live chat, along with their advantages and disadvantages. But,

How would you choose between LiveChat and Chatbot?

Companies and businesses use both live chat and chatbots to support and start engaging with clients and can work together really well. There could be situations, even so, when just using one over another is quite suitable.

The next point of this blog will look at various factors that play a role in evaluating whether there is more sense in live chat or chatbots. So, take a look.

Aspect #1. Response/React Time

If your business requires interacting with the customer in thirty seconds or a few, bots always seem to get the task done. If your clients like to talk to a real person, then the better alternative to have is a live chat. You could also begin using bots and detour a live customer service team with too many more complicated problems.

Aspect #2. Cost-effectiveness

In operating a profitable organization, cost-effective measures are crucial. A chatbot might be the wiser choice when you’re a start-up, though on a limited budget. Without recruiting live chat customer support team members or taking some time away from the team employees, chatbots significantly streamline business processes.

Aspect #3. Accuracy & Consistency

If your organization or company wants FAQs to be managed efficiently, chatbots will get the most robust first-level service management solution. Live chat is the way to go until consumers reach out with complicated questions. Note that chatbots can delegate complicated issues to a live chat team member for just an accurate response.

Aspect #4. Human Intervention

The capacity to interact without human intervention is among the main advantages of chatbots. With no support from a person, a chatbot will continue communicating over several hours, saving you money, energy, and resources.


Clients often prefer human interaction. If human communication is essential to your clients, then the approach is a live chat method. Getting live chat is just like having online bricks and auto shops and greeting clients as they step in. It seems more fun, and occasionally individuals need somebody else to start a conversation.

Closing Words

Live chat is fantastic, particularly if you have the workforce to use it adequately. Chatbots can be used to assist, not substitute, customer service handlers. In customer support, appropriateness, precision, and efficiency are significant. However, the human touch is like this. An intelligent chatbot could indeed perform faster but cannot think with the client.

Companies and businesses should just let consumers know when interacting with a bot to maintain a consistently good user experience and allow live chat agents to handle when the conversation would be at risk of being interrupted or in case of any complex concerns.

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