HomeeCommerceTrueBranches BlackBerry app buy from US in Nigeria on BB phones

TrueBranches BlackBerry app buy from US in Nigeria on BB phones

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TrueBranches, an online export/import service company, has introduced a free BlackBerry mobile app to bring its services closer to its customers. With this new mobile app Nigerians will be able to buy items in US stores using their BlackBerry mobile phones and have them delivered to them in Nigeria. The BlackBerry app also enables merchants in Nigeria to sell their products to the US market.


The TrueBranches mobile app is an extension of the website located at www.truebranches.com. It is aimed at bringing its services closer to its customers and empowering them to access its services from anywhere without restriction.

TrueBranches offers two core services namely the Buy USA and the Buy Africa services. The Buy USA service enables businesses and individuals in Nigeria and all across Africa to buy from the US and have them delivered to their chosen address in Africa. The Buy Africa service, on the other hand gives people living in the United States, abroad and within Africa easy access to Nigerian based merchants with plans for Ghanaian and South African merchants.

Have you ever tried shopping in a US based online store only to be told that the item you are interested in cannot be shipped to Nigeria? If you have, you will appreciate the value of the TrueBranches service. Without a service like this your option will be either to buy return ticket to the United States to buy the item or try your luck in the few shopping malls in Nigeria. The TrueBranches service is also great for wholesalers who import goods from the United States.

The beauty of TrueBranches is that unlike other online stores where custom duties are not included in your cost, leaving you with additional cost and the hassle of clearing your goods; TrueBranches does all this for you and bills the cost as part of the shipping and service charges. So you know the total cost of the item before paying. There is an exception if the item you are buying is a car.

To enjoy the service, visit TrueBranches website at www.truebranches.com to download the free BlackBerry app. You can also use the service directly at the website. You will need to signup for the service first, then login with your account credential, and start searching for items. TrueBranches allows you to search for items by type, name, designer, etc.

If you find what you want, submit your quote and pay using online transfer or cash at GTBank or UBA. Payment can also be made online via GTBank webpay. Shipping takes 7 to 10 working days for air freight. For containers delivered through the sea, the shipping period can take from 6 to 8 weeks.

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Business Overview

TrueBranches is an export/import service company focused on enhancing seamless commerce between the US and Africa, specifically Nigeria. We have two strong areas of focus 1) Technology and 2) Customer Service. For Buy Africa – Our goal is to encourage non-oil grassroots exports from Nigeria to facilitate job creation and economic growth. For Buy USA – our goal is to provide stress free access and easy payment options to African consumers and business looking to import from the United States.

For more information, visit TrueBranches FAQ page.

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Paschal Okafor
Paschal Okafor
Paschal Okafor is the founder of NaijaTechGuide. A Graduate of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Paschal is passionate about Technology and since 2006 has written over 4000 articles covering Mobile Devices, Consumer Electronics, Digital Marketing, Mobile Apps, and Online Services. Over the past 16 years, he has managed to turn a blog that started life on a Google Blogger subdomain into the Largest Technology Blog in Nigeria and quite possibly the largest in Africa. Paschal has been Building, Analyzing, and Maintaining Websites for over 17 years and also shares his wealth of knowledge and experience about building and managing websites on NaijaTechGuide.

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