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How to Play PS3 Games on PS4

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In this world of advancement of technology, something new is being launched every now and then. Researchers and technologists are constantly working on updating the software in almost every gadget. Whether it is the smartphone or a gaming device, there are usually software updates within a few months after an initial launch.

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Not only software but hardware is also being specifically designed to make gaming experiences more immersive. Take the example of projectors.

Gone are the days when projectors were meant for office presentations only. Nowadays big brands like BenQ, Optomaetc are actively marketing their new line of low input lag projectors that support fast action games.

These projectors are compatible with the latest gaming consoles like Xbox, PS4 etc.

PS4 is one of the most popular consoles these days, which was launched back in 2013. There are a lot of games which were specifically designed for PS3 console.

Obviously games designed for PS4 are quite different. If you want to play PS3 games on PS4, then here is something you can do to make your PS3 Games work on a PS4 console. Have a look.

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Is Playing PS3 Games Impossible on PS4 Console?

Obviously, it is impossible to insert a PS3 compatible disk in a PS4 console which means it is really hard to play the older PS3 games on the latest version of PS4.

Most of the games played on XBox can be played on newer versions by the backward compatibility technique. But PS4 backward compatibility is not possible. It is actually really difficult to play games on a PS4 which are actually designed for PS3.

The design and architecture of the PS4 is completely different from the earlier versions of the PS3 Consoles. This is the main reason why PS3 games are not compatible with the PS4.

Play PS3 Games on PS4 is Somewhat Possible!!!

Have Fun to Play PS3 Games on PS4

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Since nothing is impossible, we have some good news for you. Even though playing PS3 games on a PS4 console is not as easy as the rival Xbox but it is somewhat possible. You can easily play PS3 games on a PS4 console using a Sony Service known as PlayStation Now.

It is basically a game streaming service which allows you to download PS3 games on a PS4 console. Just make sure you have a strong Wi-Fi network around to make downloading simpler and quicker.

PlayStation Now is considered to be the Netflix of gaming, where you can stream whatever game you want (PS3 games, one you want to play on PS4). The best part of the PlayStation Now is that you don’t have to wait for long time to update the games and software. Isn’t it amazing?

Have Fun to Play PS3 Games on PS4:

Well, experiencing something new is always good but old things can never be forgotten. Even though there are several games launched and developed every now and then but playing those old games is always fun. This is the main reason why a simpler and convenient way of playing PS3 games on a PS4 was introduced.

There are two varieties of PlayStation Now, a cheaper one and a somewhat expensive one. Both of them allow you to experience the ultimate fun of the older games. The price difference doesn’t actually count as both of them are good in their own place.

But the sad news is that you cannot play every game easily. The entire PS3 library is not available for the PS4 Console. However, there are a lot of popular games which are available at the PlayStation Now for PS4.

Just like the Xbox, older version games can also be played on the PS4. All you need to do is install the games you like to play. There are no hard and fast rules do so. Just installing and signing up will allow you to experience the fun of PS3 games on a PS4 console. If you too want to use your PS4 Console to play PS3 games, then this is how to do it.

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Sarah Anna
Sarah Anna
Sarah Anna is a Tech Writer Passionate about helping Consumers Navigate Technology Solutions. Her Writings on NaijaTechGuide has helped many of our readers find solutions to their problems.

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