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Advances In Lab Equipment Technology: Enhancing Precision And Safety

The rapid development of lab equipment technology has brought about significant improvements in precision and safety. Laboratories across various fields, including pharmaceuticals, environmental testing, and chemical analysis, now operate with enhanced accuracy, speed, and reliability. From automated liquid handling to advanced analytical instruments, each innovation is a testament to the progress in enhancing scientific research’s quality and safety. Modern laboratories benefit from equipment that streamlines workflows, minimizes risks, and ensures the highest levels of precision. Read on to discover how these advances in lab equipment technology transform laboratory practices and enhance precision and safety. Improved Pump Systems For Precision And Safety Laboratories rely on pumps for fluid transfer, gas handling, and vacuum applications. Recent innovations in diaphragm pumps and systems have improved accuracy,...

Everything there is to Know about Peptides for the Skin

What if you could add an element to your skincare regimen that helped your body produce proteins that improved the appearance of your skin? You've been fighting skin issues for as long as you can remember, and now there's a chemical that mainly addresses the problem. We've got some excellent news if you think this skincare ingredient seems too fantastic. Prescriptive peptides may be just what you've been looking for to combat the effects of time on your complexion, regardless of the skin type. What are Peptides, and how are they used? We produce protein in our bodies using peptides, which serve as a catalyst. Our skin and almost every other organ are constructed of proteins made up of amino acids,...
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What Technologies does NASA use to explore Mars?

The acronym "NASA" stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The term Aeronautics comes from the Greek words for "air" and "to sail." It is a government agency that was created by Congress in 1958. NASA is located in Washington, D.C. Their mission is to explore space and aeronautics, or flight research. What then are the technologies NASA use to explore Mars? One of them is Artificial intelligence (AI): Artificial Intelligence has played a key role in the technology used for exploring Mars. BeyondLimits is a pioneering AI company with deep roots in the NASA space program, notably AI technology developed at the Jet Propulsion...

How CBD Can Help You Sleep

Having a hard time sleeping? It's not just you. Many adults don't sleep the recommended seven to nine hours per night. That can be a problem, putting you at a greater risk of chronic disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. But CBD might be a solution. CBD oil has been touted as a potential treatment for painful inflammation, anxiety, stress, and insomnia. And it might be a helpful tool to support your healthy sleep habits. How is CBD Helpful? CBD is marijuana without THC, so it offers some of the benefits of marijuana without the psychoactive effects. CBD can...

Digital Oilfields Solutions and Implementation

Oil and Gas production is a very complex venture. It involves a large amount of data to analyze and multiple Engineering and non-Engineering disciplines need to collaborate to deliver needed results. Optimising all these assets for the optimum profitability of an oil and gas production operation is one of the biggest challenge facing the industry. The role of digital oilfields is to use latest technologies to provide solutions that solve these challenges. Now, let us dive in deeper into digital oilfields. What is Digital Oilfields Digital Oilfields encompasses all solutions that uses latest technologies to analyse the huge amount of data from the...

Exploring Low Impact Development around the Globe

While stormwater runoff was for many years seen as a nuisance and inconvenience to be removed as quickly as possible and dealt with elsewhere, the quest for more sustainable building techniques means that it is now seen as what it is - a valuable resource that can be put to good use onsite if managed correctly. By allowing water to move in more natural ways and infiltrate the ground, rather than diverting it offsite, multiple benefits can be achieved. Some of these include improving aesthetics and removing pollutants through the growth of vegetation, making cities more resilient and better able to...

Machine Learning, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in ASP.NET

The best thing about frameworks is that they provide a common platform for many different programming languages. Same goes for Microsoft’s .NET framework, which is a collection of technical support that empowers both businesses as well as individual users. Covering various programming languages on one platform, the ASP.NET framework makes for an amazing choice as compared to other development models for developing artificial intelligence and machine learning applications. Before on moving to our main topic, let’s look at the basic terminology of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data. Artificial intelligence is a vast subject and cannot be explained in a single...

Pros and Cons of Using Gadgets in Educational Institutions

High school students often use their devices for purposes which are not related to the learning process. This fact provoked public debate on whether smartphones should be allowed in schools. French MPs even passed a law prohibiting mobile devices in primary and elementary schools. Similar measures have been taken in some US states, as well as in Great Britain and Slovenia. In the German Federal State of Bavaria, a law that prevents schoolchildren from bringing gadgets into the classroom has been in effect since the early 2000s. A study conducted by Japanese scientists revealed that dependence on smartphones creates many problems...

Pet Tech: the Gadgets That You and Your Dog Will Love

In India alone, the pet care industry is set to grow by over 20% by 2022. This bodes well for developers of pet technology, which has been on the rise in recent years. Technology can aid animals in various ways, as well pet parents. From wearable technology to handy gadgets to have in the house, there is something for everyone - including technology focused on health and safety. Controlled Treats and Digital Interaction Something that can help owners and dogs still feel connected when apart for longer than usual is the new Furbo Dog Camera. This smart device has two functions. Firstly, it enables...

Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare (Infographic)

Studies show that Emotional Intelligence (EI) plays a significant role in the bedside manner of care providers. What’s more, healthy emotional intelligence fosters trust between medical professionals and patients, and as a result, doctor-patient relationships flourish, resulting in increased patient satisfaction and compliance. This trait is invaluable for medical professionals. Care providers who possess ample emotional intelligence are better equipped to deal with the challenges and stresses experienced when working to heal others. Also, practitioners who possess EI are less inclined to experience stress to the point of burnout. Emotional intelligence is not a new concept. Still, there is a revitalized...

AFRIC@TECH 2019: SANOFI launches 3 Health Innovation Challenges for Startups in Africa

Following the success of the 2018 edition of VivaTech, the international innovation event that brings together more than 8,000 startups from all over the world, SANOFI will once again be present in Paris in 2019 through Afric@Tech - its dedicated lab that is committed to innovative African startups. On this occasion, SANOFI is launching 3 challenges, which are part of its commitment to support and encourage innovation on the African continent. CHALENGE 1 How to improve the awareness & diagnosis of patients suffering from diabetes? CHALENGE 2 How to improve access to medicines in remote areas from supply chain management to alternative payment...

Artificial Intelligence: The Next Advancement In Cancer Treatment

Technology as a whole has gone through rapid changes over the past couple of decades, with new breakthroughs being made every year. One of these more recent technological breakthroughs is the use of artificial intelligence (AI). From predicting our purchasing behaviors through online retailers to asking our smartphones a voice-assisted question, whether we realize it or not, we are interacting with AI systems every day. While these are minor examples of the capabilities of AI, this technology is now being integrated into more important fields, such as healthcare. With AI-equipped supercomputers leading the way in transformative healthcare practices, the discussion has...

Importance of Technology in Healthcare

It is amazing to look backwards and realize that how technology and inventions have made our lives simpler. If someone from 100 years ago visits the present world, they would think that this is a mere dream or a whole another dimension. Same could be said for the advancements in the healthcare sector. Areas like biotechnology, information technology, pharmaceuticals and development of medical devices have made significant contributions improve the health of people all around the world. In this article, we have discussed how technology is shaping the present health industry - Enhanced Research Understanding a disease or its root cause has...

5 Innovative Construction Technologies of Today: The Future of Creation

As technology rises, the evolution of every sector in the world also progresses. Technological advancement creates limitless possibilities making every task better and easier. There are waves of innovations from gadgets to smart homes and appliances that can provide comfort to people.  Now,  tech also influences construction innovations. Innovators continuously create advances in the construction industry. These advancements can enhance and improve the existing materials and techniques used for constructing buildings and other structures. With that mentioned, here are five innovations today that can improve the performance of the construction sector. Self-healing Concrete Concrete is one of the most used components...

8 Interesting Careers to Explore in Big Data

Big data is an unavoidable aspect of business on a global scale. Numerous companies and organizations have decided to devote time to big data research. With an increase in demand for big data experts, a myriad of new careers has arisen. Within them, there is space for many different professions that will only get more sought after. Why is this the case? Well, 63% of all companies have reported failing in big data implementations due to a lack of clarity. If you pick one of these 8 careers, you can easily take up a spot in a reputable company as a...

3 Things I Learned From Creating My PCB Designs Manually

I recently decided that I was going to try my hands on PCB (printed circuit board), and it was a worthwhile experience. For the less techy friends, a Printed Circuit Board is made from reinforced phenolic resin that has been bonded with copper foil. The printed circuits themselves are made from copper, which is plated on the surface of the board to give it a cool pattern. You’d find this in virtually all electronic gadgets, either industrial or domestic. It gives mechanical support to the electrical connections on it. To use the PCB for your idea, you’d need a good...

Full Spectrum CBD and CBD Isolate: What Differences?

While cannabidiol (CBD) products are slowly entering the French market, it is sometimes difficult to know which type of CBD has been used. Most commonly, two types of CBD are used: either full-spectrum CBD or CBD isolate. You may have already seen the full spectrum or  99% CBD on bottles of CBD oil or e-liquid, but without really knowing the difference. Here are some explanations. What is full spectrum CBD? CBD full spectrum ( full spectrum CBD in our English neighbors) means that cannabidiol extract also contains other cannabinoids, CBN, CBC and CBG for example, and sometimes even of THC in legal...

Top 10 Tech Trends to make the most of the New Year

The word “Technology” brings about a notion of change and it is for the right reasons! Technology is primarily change. We have heard about the phrase “change is the only constant”, it is particularly true when we talk about technology. It is no secret that the technology we were using a while ago have become ancient history as the change is at such a rapid pace. Even true looking back at the tech we used to use a couple of years ago which have now become so drastically different. One thing that is true about the IT space is that one...

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Face of Home-Based Business Ventures

When most of us envision artificial intelligence (AI) we envision the film of the same name that was released in the early 2000's. Some of us might even recall the HAL 9000 voice from 2001.  Of course, these were nothing more than works of vision although they were quite convincing at the time. While computers are far from becoming self-aware, the fact of the matter is that artificial intelligence has already become an indelible part of our daily lives.  Smart home entertainment systems, dedicated mobile phone apps, Amazon Alexa, and auto-complete fields when performing a simple Google search are all...

Autism Parenting – Everything you Need to Support your Family

Autism is a multifaceted disability. Unlike other disorders that have clear causes and effective treatments, autism is a disorder of unknown origins. Raising a developmentally different child is a challenge for most parents. For parents to be effective in guiding the growth of their child, they first need to prepare themselves to be emotionally and mentally strong. Check out more about Autism Parenting. If you have recently learned that your child has autism disorder you are probably wondering what happens next. You may not be certain about how to provide the best help to your child. But being strong allows...

The Use of Technology in Alcoholism Treatment: The New Approach to Recovery

The advancement of technology plays a significant role in evolving the lives of people. As technology advances, the recovery treatment of addiction and illness has also been doing well. New technology from medical machinery to communication devices helps people undergo treatments, stay in contact, and get the help they need. While modern rehab facilities provide personalized care, full follow-up treatment and around the clock support, there are still a lot of alcoholics who need further help especially when they ask for outpatient treatment. New technology allows patients with alcohol addiction to recover and find motivation, and support wherever and whenever they...

6 Best Mobile Apps to Track Your Eye Health

In the age of advanced technology, you seem to find a lot of applications on your cell phones which are deemed harmful for your health, more particularly, for your eyes. However, you can choose apps that are good for your eye health and could help you avoid eye complications. Fortunately, there a number of mobile apps that offer you some ways for you to track the health condition of your eyes. These apps also help you to communicate with your ophthalmologists easier. However, they are no substitute for regular eye checkup. Here are some of the best mobile apps for your...

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The 7 Principles of HACCP, Explained

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is the standard for food safety in the US and around the world. It comprises seven principles...

5 Innovative Construction Technologies of Today: The Future of Creation

As technology rises, the evolution of every sector in the world also progresses. Technological advancement creates limitless possibilities making every task better and easier....

Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare (Infographic)

Studies show that Emotional Intelligence (EI) plays a significant role in the bedside manner of care providers. What’s more, healthy emotional intelligence fosters trust...

Pet Tech: the Gadgets That You and Your Dog Will Love

In India alone, the pet care industry is set to grow by over 20% by 2022. This bodes well for developers of pet technology, which has...

8 Interesting Careers to Explore in Big Data

Big data is an unavoidable aspect of business on a global scale. Numerous companies and organizations have decided to devote time to big data...

Nanotechnology Review: Promises and Concerns

Nanotechnology deals with creating and manipulating materials, devices, and systems at the Nano scale (that is one billionth of a metre 10-9m). Nanotechnology also...

Facebook Internet Satellite Destroyed in the SpaceX Explosion

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6 Best Mobile Apps to Track Your Eye Health

In the age of advanced technology, you seem to find a lot of applications on your cell phones which are deemed harmful for your...
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