HomeeCommerceValucard Offers VPay Visa VbV for Secure e-payment

Valucard Offers VPay Visa VbV for Secure e-payment

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Valucard plc is the joint acquirer of Visa international in Nigeria. The company supports secure electronic transactions and payments in Nigeria.

Valucard promotes the VPay which is an online chip and pin card. VPay can be used as an ATM card to withdraw money from ATM machines. It can also serve as a Debit or credit card for purchase from a POS terminal or from a merchant on the internet.

Send Money online to Nigeria using Visa debit/credit cards

VPay like Visa card can be used to make a purchase wherever the Visa acceptance sign is displayed. Because VPay is chip based it boasts of superior transaction security compared to magnetic strip cards.

VPay for this same reason can serve as an ID card. Personal information (like medical history) can be stored in this card for easy access or verification by anyone that needs it.

Visa is a global leader in secure e-payment solutions. There are over 24 million merchants in Visa international network. Visa Card from Valucard empowers Nigerians to make purchase from any of these 24 million merchants worldwide via a POS terminals or online stores.

Verified by Visa (VbV) is a simple password protected identity-checking service that makes purchasing online more secured. When a merchant sells online he/she will not be able to collect Pin or any form of signature from the customer.

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This increases the risk of fraud and simply means that the merchant is selling at his own risk. This makes merchants extremely cautious when selling online.

Send Money online to Nigeria using Visa debit/credit cards

VbV addresses this risk by providing a secure internet payment platform that enables a Visa merchant to verify and authenticate shopper’s identity online real time.

VbV reduces the occurrence of disputed transactions where a cardholder claims he/she is not responsible for purchase.

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However, when a dispute occurs, a Visa merchant using VbV will not be liable to any loss. Before VbV a Visa merchant will have to refund any payment made that is in dispute.

VbV also empowers a Visa merchant based in Nigeria to sell to over 1.6 billion Visa cardholders worldwide. VbV allows Visa and VPay cards to be used for secured internet payments to all Visa merchants worldwide.

Enrolling into VbV is easy for an existing Visa or VPay cardholder.

Simply insert your card into any Visa or VPay accepting ATM machine and select the PIN change option.

Choose the Internet PIN (IPIN) option from the change PIN menu and change your Visa IPIN. The Visa cardholder will be queried for more information.

Visa merchants in Nigeria enrol using an enrolment form provided by Valucard.

Send Money online to Nigeria using Visa debit/credit cards

To obtain VPay or Visa, visit any of the partnering banks, and ask for one. Some of the partnering banks include Access Bank, Afribank, Bank PHB, Diamond Bank, EcoBank, ETB, FirstBank, Fidelity Bank, FCMB and First Inland Bank.

Others Visa/VPay partnering banks are GTBank, IBTC, Intercontinental Bank, Oceanic Bank, Skye Bank, Standard chartered Bank, Zenith Bank, Union Bank and UBA.

Once you get your Visa/VPay card change your Pin from the default value. Do not forget to memorise your Pin and destroy any written record of the Pin in order to secure all your transactions.

You can also contact them on:

[email protected]

01-2703010, 01-2703013, 01-2703014

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Paschal Okafor
Paschal Okafor
Paschal Okafor is the founder of NaijaTechGuide. A Graduate of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Paschal is passionate about Technology and since 2006 has written over 4000 articles covering Mobile Devices, Consumer Electronics, Digital Marketing, Mobile Apps, and Online Services. Over the past 16 years, he has managed to turn a blog that started life on a Google Blogger subdomain into the Largest Technology Blog in Nigeria and quite possibly the largest in Africa. Paschal has been Building, Analyzing, and Maintaining Websites for over 17 years and also shares his wealth of knowledge and experience about building and managing websites on NaijaTechGuide.

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